On Fri, Sep 21, 2012 at 10:12 AM, Andy Buckle
<address@hidden> wrote:
On 21 September 2012 14:10, paiuia <
address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi
> i'm a newbie
> I'm trying to distort images with "fisheye lens" effect
> Any idea where i can find examples?
> I need to find how read pixels of gif/png/bmp and from dxf/3ds files to
> apply effects on them.
The internet?
Here are some http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisheye_lens
They are probably jpg, but should not be too hard to convert.
/* andy buckle */
so, sounds like you want to do multiple things
1 - read in a normal image
2 - distort the image using the fisheye effect
3 - (guessing) save/export the distorted image
1&3 - check out the Octave Manual, Chapter 32 - Image Processing
specifically, you'll want to look at the first section on Loading and Saving an image (mainly the imread and imwrite functions)
loading an image will create a matrix of the data
"A color image is returned as an MxNx3 matrix. Gray-level and black-and-white images are of size MxN. The color depth of the image determines the numeric class of the output."
2 - once you load the image, you can apply whatever mathematical manipulations you want with that image. The end of the Wikipedia article any mentioned actually lists a few of the possible fisheye transforms. I have no experience in them, so not sure about any specific implementations. The intro to the chapter in the Manual does give a very simple 'smoothing function' example to show one way you can manipulate an image.
note: I don't think there's a straightforward dxf/3ds import method.