For a realtime task, it might be better to do the scheduling manually
(but thats not quite easy).
There is an openmpi_ext package, but I'm not the right person to
comment on this.
Alternatively, one can use Octaves fork(), waitpid(), pipe(), and
close() functions. The packages 'general' and 'parallel' both provide
functions for sending and receiving Octave variables over pipes
(fsave()/fload() and __bw_psend__()/__bw_prcv__(), respectively). They
require the additional use of Octaves fflush(). Both packages provide
a wrapper around Unix' _exit for child termination (__exit__() and
__internal_exit__(), respectively). The package 'parallel' also
provides a function select(), a wrapper around Unix' select. All these
together allow parallelization with Octave without writing C or C++
The latter way, and possibly also the former (if it should be feasible
for multicore/single-machine), require you to write a scheduler.