I have recently installed from octave-3.6.2-vs2010-setup.exe. Signal
package was selected and is installed according to pkg list. Path
contains "C:\Program Files
(x86)\Octave-3.6.2\share\octave\3.6.2\m\signal" but not "...
The former contains 33 files while the latter contains 134 files,
including cheb.m which I use in my code.
Obviously, it's easy to copy the m files around. But before I do that
I'd like to know if things are like this on purpose and if there's an
official way to call cheb.m and the other 133 files in that directory.
Did you try "pkg load signal"?
Note: it is not recommended to install octave in a directory containing a space. That's something that will be addressed in the future versions of the installer.