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Fwd: Ranking SOCIS student applications
From: |
Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso |
Subject: |
Fwd: Ranking SOCIS student applications |
Date: |
Fri, 27 Jul 2012 11:48:37 -0400 |
The following are the SOCIS applications that I received. I removed a
few bits of personal information of the students that shouldn't be
relevant to us, such as their student ID scans. We need to rank these
students and submit our ranking to ESA **BY JULY 31**. The top student
will be selected unless there is trouble with his or her application.
Juan Pablo, as we discussed in IRC, can you upload this information to
the wiki? We can then discuss the proposals in the corresponding talk
- Jordi G. H.
Forwarded conversation
Subject: Fwd: Form submission from: Application form for students
From: Julien Delange <address@hidden>
Date: 25 July 2012 14:17
To: address@hidden
For information.
Best regards,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Webmaster at sophia.estec.esa.int <address@hidden>
Date: Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 2:07 PM
Subject: Form submission from: Application form for students
To: address@hidden
Submitted on Wednesday, July 25, 2012 - 20:07
Submitted by user: avgvstvs
Submitted values are:
First Name (mandatory): Boštjan
Last Name (mandatory): Mavrič
Email contact (mandatory): address@hidden
Personal website:
Date of birth (mandatory): 05/01/1989
Nationality or nationalities (mandatory): Slovene
Curriculum Vitae (mandatory):
Institution (mandatory): Faculty of Mathematics and Physics,
University of Ljubljana
Institution location (mandatory): Slovenia
Proof of enrollment (mandatory): [snipped]
Mentoring organization (mandatory): GNU Octave
Project proposal (mandatory):
my name is Boštjan Mavrič, student of Computational Physics from
Slovenia. Since I was late to apply for GSoC, I was more than happy to
hear about SOCIS which could enable me to contribute back to software
package that I used and abused during my studies. During the summer I
will surely be able to spend 40 hours a week working on my project.
Only exception will be a week of vacations in middle of August.
As a SOCIS project I could implement solver for initial-boundary value
problems for parabolic-elliptic PDEs in 1D, as proposed on Octave SoC
Project ideas page. For one of my classes I have already implemented
(in C++) a solver for similar problem (Motion of inelastic rope,
The simplest to implement seems to be the method of lines. Since the
convergence of method is limited by step size of space mesh, high
order approximation for derivatives should be used. An example of
algorithm for arbitrary spaced 1D meshes found with help of Google:
-Discretization routine, using above mentioned algorithm.
-Discretization scheme is used to get to the system of DE, which is
then solved using Octave's lsode.
-since none of the functions seems to be computationally demanding,
both functions could be implemented as .m scripts
-To keep similarity with Matlab, same conventions and definitions
should be used in calls to ``pdepe''
-Additional optional argument would be used to change the order of
finite difference approximation used
-Stand-alone function could be added to allow the calculation of
finite difference coefficients for possible use in other functions.
To fill another gap with That Other Software, the pdeval function
could be implemented. Since documentation of TOS is not specific about
implementation details, the function can be nothing more than
interface to the Octave's interp1, or some other simple interpolation
scheme which allows for straightforward calculation of derivative
(cubic splines interpolation is an obvious candidate).
I am looking forward to contributing to GNU Octave, which is an
outstanding project, that has benefited me many times.
Best regards,
Boštjan Mavrič
Additional notes: This would be my first contribution to any open
source project.
From: Julien Delange <address@hidden>
Date: 26 July 2012 10:08
To: Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <address@hidden>, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso
For your information
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Webmaster at sophia.estec.esa.int <address@hidden>
Date: Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 2:33 PM
Subject: Form submission from: Application form for students
To: address@hidden
Submitted on Thursday, July 26, 2012 - 15:33
Submitted by user: Andru
Submitted values are:
First Name (mandatory): Alexandru
Last Name (mandatory): Gheorghiu
Email contact (mandatory): address@hidden
Personal website: http://andru314.blogspot.ro/
Date of birth (mandatory): 10/09/1990
Nationality or nationalities (mandatory): Romanian
Curriculum Vitae (mandatory):
Institution (mandatory): POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest
Institution location (mandatory): Romania
Proof of enrollment (mandatory): [snipped]
Mentoring organization (mandatory): GNU Octave
Project proposal (mandatory):
I would be interested in applying for the Numerical projects. All of
the projects from the Numerical section are interesting and I would be
willing to do all of them, starting with implementing the missing
matrix functions. I have completed 6 courses on mathematics,
comprising of: Algebra, Calculus, Complex Analysis, Probability
Theory, Statistics, Systems Theory. I have also completed a course on
Numerical Methods. It was at this course, which was in my first year
of college, that I was introduced to Octave. We used it for lab
exercises and homework. We received assignments for function
interpolation, wav compression using linear prediction, determining
areas and volumes using Monte-Carlo methods etc. These projects were
of great interest to me.
I have worked with Octave and Matlab ever since, mainly in image
processing for holographic research, but for other projects as well.
For example, I was enrolled in the Stanford online Machine Learning
course in which all programming assignments were in Octave. I believe
I am qualified and would very much like to contribute to Octave.
From: Julien Delange <address@hidden>
Date: 27 July 2012 03:42
To: Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <address@hidden>
For your information.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Webmaster at sophia.estec.esa.int <address@hidden>
Date: Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 11:17 PM
Subject: Form submission from: Application form for students
To: address@hidden
Submitted on Friday, July 27, 2012 - 00:17
Submitted by user: basikos.metoxos
Submitted values are:
First Name (mandatory): Georgios
Last Name (mandatory): Drakopoulos
Email contact (mandatory): address@hidden
Personal website:
Date of birth (mandatory): 08/26/1980
Nationality or nationalities (mandatory): Greek
Curriculum Vitae (mandatory):
Institution (mandatory): University of Patras
Institution location (mandatory): Greece
Proof of enrollment (mandatory): [snipped]
Mentoring organization (mandatory): GNU Octave
Project proposal (mandatory):
o Project proposals for gnu octave through esa summer of code
o Georgios Drakopoulos (address@hidden)
The purpose of this document is to state my interest in
participating to certain projects posted to octave esa summer of code
web site. Preferred projects, in decreasing order of preference, are
1) the implementation of logm, sqrtm, and funm octave functions, and
2) the least squares data estimator for nonstationary data. Moreover,
an additional proposal regarding data regularization will be described
in detail. Possible approaches shall be outlined for each of the three
As it was stated in the on-line discussion, matrix function
evaluation is no trivial task. Evaluations based on the spectral
factorization are attractive but a given matrix is not always
diagonalizable. Furthermore, even if it were, the process might be
computationally ineffective or numerically unstable. One solution
would be to employ the matrix polar factorization or the Briggs
algorithm for logm[1]. For sqrtm the Denman-Beavers iteration or
Bjork-Hammarling method, both in [1], are good candidates, whereas
funm can be implemented using the method proposed in[2 p208]. [1]
Higham, "Matrix functions - theory and algorithms", Prof.Hiham's web
page, July 26th 2012. [2] Brogan, "Modern control theory",
Prentice-Hall 1985.
Regarding the least squares data estimator for nonstationary data,
the approach is direct given[3], though more nonstationary time series
tecniques like Prony method[4] for time series representation can be
[3] Mathias et al, "Algorithms for spectral analysis of
irregularly sampled time series", Journal of statistical software,
[4] Haufer et al, "Initial results in prony analysis of power
systems response signals", IEEE transactions on power systems, 1990.
Ehancing octave data regularization capabilities will contribute to
the ongoing effort of establishing it as a robust and viable
alternative to the existing proprietary code scientific tools. Data
regularization is the collection of theory and techiques intended to
solve ill-conditioned linear algebra problems, namely computing the
solution of the linear system Kx = b where the coefficient matrix K is
badly scaled (typically with a condition number no less than 10^2).
Famous examples for K include the Hilbert matrix (integral equations)
and the Vandermonde matrix (polynomial evaluation and system
identification). Notice that the least squares estimator in those
cases fails as even the approximation of the inverse of (K^T*K) could
be challenging - K^T stands for K transposed.
Our approach is to approximately solve Kx = b while imposing certain
fluctuation requirements on x. Thus x is now a minimizer of an
objective function dependent 1) on the least squares distance between
Kx and b and 2) on the weighted sum of the energy and the energy of
its first m discrete differences, where m is user selected. This
method can be also cast as a machine learning technique similar to the
lasso[5] in a noisy environment. Early experiments show that there
could be potential accuracy improvement over the classical least
squares estimator with a minor additional computational cost. [a
preliminary paper version and the experimental results are available
upon request] [5] Tibshirani, "Regression shrinkage and regression via
the lasso", J. Royal Statist. Soc B, 1996 Additional notes: o Some
technical notes beyond those listed in cv. o Georgios Drakopoulos
i. I have used matlab professionally during my assignment (August
2011 - May 2012) to the hellenic army general staff in order to
evaluate two pseudorandom number generators.
[certificate of work experience available upon request]
ii. I have taught c programming during the 2011 fall semester in
ceid*. During the same semester I was also instructor for the
scientific computation lab in ceid where I taught matlab (devising ex
nihilo 3 projects of medium difficulty for the students) and numerical
linear algebra.
*computer engineering and informatics department - university of
patras, greece.
[certificate from faculty members associated with the courses
mentioned available upon request]
iii. I am familiar with gnu make(1), ldconfig(8) and libtool(1) as
well as with doxygen documentation tool and with svn version control
iv. I have broad and solid experience in coding and computing with
matlab in the fields of scientific computation and signal processing.
In particular, I have completed projects in matlab of medium-to-hard
difficulty as part of the following classes:
[official transcripts available upon request]
georgia tech - school of electrical and computer engineering
ece 6602 - digital telecommunications
ece 6603 - advanced digital telecommunucations
ece 6601 - random processes
ece 6605 - information theory
ece 6604 - mobile telecommunications
ece 6550 - introduction to control theory
ceid - graduate
numerical solution of differential equations
digital telecommunications
estimation theory
advanced scientific computation
ceid - undergraduate
pattern recognition
singals and systems i
signals and systems ii
digital telecommunications i
digital telecommunications ii
image processing
stochastic signal processing
mobile telecommunications
scientific computation
numerical analysis
linear algebra
Also I wrote code as integral part of my diploma thesis "Machine
learning applications to cryptography" where I simulated in matlab
plaintext-ciphertext attacks mounted on the des protocol by genetic
algorithms and neural networks.
From: Julien Delange <address@hidden>
Date: 27 July 2012 03:43
To: Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <address@hidden>
For your information.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Webmaster at sophia.estec.esa.int <address@hidden>
Date: Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 11:41 PM
Subject: Form submission from: Application form for students
To: address@hidden
Submitted on Thursday, July 26, 2012 - 23:40
Submitted by user: mgasiorek
Submitted values are:
First Name (mandatory): Marcin
Last Name (mandatory): Gąsiorek
Email contact (mandatory): address@hidden
Personal website:
Date of birth (mandatory): 07/11/1985
Nationality or nationalities (mandatory): Polish
Curriculum Vitae (mandatory):
Institution (mandatory): Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Nicolaus Copernicus University
Institution location (mandatory): Poland
Proof of enrollment (mandatory): [snipped]
Mentoring organization (mandatory): GNU Octave
Project proposal (mandatory):
TeX/LaTeX markup
I am interested in working on the project listed in Summer of Code
Project Ideas:
TeX/LaTeX markup
I am using LaTeX on a daily basis and I think that having the
possibility to use LaTeX markup in a plotter is a great idea. I would
like to propose the following workflow:
1. Some simple prototypes of possible solutions (internal rendering/parsing
versus using full TeX system).
2. Discussion with mentor and community a better solution.
3. Implementation.
It is difficult for me to provide more detailed schedule because two
possible solutions need different approach and without some prototypes
it will be difficult to choose one.
Moreover, I think that a hybrid solution should also be considered:
try to render text using internal parser and fall back to full LaTeX
system in a case of a failure.
I am looking forward to work with you,
Marcin Gąsiorek
From: Julien Delange <address@hidden>
Date: 27 July 2012 03:47
To: Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <address@hidden>
For your information.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Webmaster at sophia.estec.esa.int <address@hidden>
Date: Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 1:27 AM
Subject: Form submission from: Application form for students
To: address@hidden
Submitted on Friday, July 27, 2012 - 01:27
Submitted by user: acamacho
Submitted values are:
First Name (mandatory): Alberto
Last Name (mandatory): Camacho Martinez
Email contact (mandatory): address@hidden
Personal website: www.albertocamacho.com
Date of birth (mandatory): 09/12/1987
Nationality or nationalities (mandatory): Spanish
Curriculum Vitae (mandatory):
Institution (mandatory): Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Institution location (mandatory): Spain
Proof of enrollment (mandatory): [snipped]
Mentoring organization (mandatory): GNU Octave
Project proposal (mandatory):
[ please, take a look at the online document referenced in next line.
It can contain updated information of this application. ]
[ http://dl.dropbox.com/u/24721439/project_proposal.txt ]
Due to my mathematical (and engineer) background, I am a good
candidate for the 'numerical' projects. I have programming skills and,
thanks to my mathematical degree, I am not "scared" of the
mathematical projects (and also love them!).
All of the projects fit me, and we can decide which ones are more
urgent/suitable in a future interview. Some projects seem to be
straightforward, like "move rand, eye, etc., functions to the matrix
classes. These projects can be implemented in addition to other ones.
For example, the project with title: 'Evaluate harmonics and
cross-correlations of unevenly sampled and nonstationary time series'
seems to carry hard work of reading mathematical papers. I am
encouraged to do that.
Additional notes:
I have carried out some projects in diverse internships (see my CV) in
C++. I have good skills in project management and self organizing. In
my current internship job at ESAC I am a software developer,
responsible of developing an API + GUI (gtkmm) in C++, using graphic
and plotting libraries among others.
During my mathematical degree studies (subjects, projects, master
thesis...), I have worked with Octave and Maple, so I am used to it. I
also did an online course (Machine Learning) with some practices in
From: Julien Delange <address@hidden>
Date: 27 July 2012 03:48
To: Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <address@hidden>
For your information.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Webmaster at sophia.estec.esa.int <address@hidden>
Date: Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 2:31 AM
Subject: Form submission from: Application form for students
To: address@hidden
Submitted on Friday, July 27, 2012 - 01:31
Submitted by user: Andrew
Submitted values are:
First Name (mandatory): Andrius
Last Name (mandatory): Sutas
Email contact (mandatory): address@hidden
Personal website: http://sutas.eu/
Date of birth (mandatory): 02/10/1991
Nationality or nationalities (mandatory): Lithuanian
Curriculum Vitae (mandatory):
Institution (mandatory): University of Edinburgh
Institution location (mandatory): The United Kingdom
Proof of enrollment (mandatory): [snipped]
Mentoring organization (mandatory): GNU Octave
Project proposal (mandatory):
I think it is very important that a widely used numerical computation
language, like GNU Octave, would be capable of communicating with the
outside world of measurement systems, sensors, robotics etc via
variety of different interfaces in order to analyze and process data
and signals not only offline, but in a real-time manner, also
providing a feedback loop. Based on this I would like to work on
“Low-Level I/O“ project proposal.
My past experience (see CV / Blog) makes me an ideal candidate for
such task, furthermore, as I myself would use the proposed
functionality, it would mean that I will maintain and upgrade some
packages even after SOCIS ends.
More details:
From: Julien Delange <address@hidden>
Date: 27 July 2012 03:48
To: Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <address@hidden>
For your information.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Webmaster at sophia.estec.esa.int <address@hidden>
Date: Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 2:53 AM
Subject: Form submission from: Application form for students
To: address@hidden
Submitted on Friday, July 27, 2012 - 01:53
Submitted by user: PWeclewski
Submitted values are:
First Name (mandatory): Piotr
Last Name (mandatory): Węclewski
Email contact (mandatory): address@hidden
Personal website: http://pl.linkedin.com/in/pweclewski
Date of birth (mandatory): 01/13/1988
Nationality or nationalities (mandatory): Polish
Curriculum Vitae (mandatory):
Institution (mandatory): Warsaw University of Technology
Institution location (mandatory): Poland
Proof of enrollment (mandatory): [snipped]
Mentoring organization (mandatory): GNU Octave
Project proposal (mandatory):
Public part of application:
Private part of application:
A: An introduction
-->Please give an idea of the timeframe you plan to be
->working on your project - 01/08 - 28/10 (or longer if it will be
need or plan of interesting continuation for this work)
->able to join our IRC channel - now
-->Do you have other commitments for the summer period? Do you plan to
take any vacations?
->If yes, when and for how long?
I need free about second week of September (I put it in schedule)
-->Please describe your written English.
Can be seen in proposal... It is not a good English but I am still
working on it.
C: Contact
-->Please state the (unique and identical where possible) nick you use
on IRC and any other communication channel related to Octave.
-->Please state the email address you check most regularly.
-->Which time zone (UTC+-x) and country do you live in? Will that
change over SoC duration (DST changes perhaps)?
-to end of September: London, UNITED KINGDOM (UTC+1)
-later: Warsaw, POLAND (UTC+2)
-->Are there instant messenger networks you regularly visit? Would you
like your mentor to contact you there?
no thanks, I receive e-mails tens times a day
Please decide if you would like us to have further non-public contact
information of you and share them here. This is meant as absolutely
last resort (total absence from internet or computer havoc for
instance). It might, for instance, be a phone number with
international code. It will only be shared with the mentor in case of
absolute emergency and never be published!
UK number (+44)7895 415216
S: Self-assessment
-->Do you give constructive advice? Do you receive advice well?
I think so... I would like to participate in this project to learn
something new not only in field of software engineering but also about
work and communication in software team.
-->Are you good at sorting useful criticisms from useless ones?
I do not know if I am good at sorting, but I appreciate the useful
Y: Your task
-->Why did you choose your particular task? What do you expect to gain
from working on it?
-As above:
I would like to participate in this project to learn something new not
only in field of software engineering but also about work and
communication in software team.
-From public form:
In this project I would like to provide ROS interface for Octave, what
allows to work octave projects with hardware. ROS provides a huge set
of drivers and methods for controlling robotics hardware and acquire
data from it. On the other hand Octave is a powerful and efficient
tool for complex mathematics computation. Many times I observed that
many of researchers implement theirs algorithms in matlab and when
everything works properly they re-implement this methods to e.g. C++
for integration with rest of the system and hardware. Of course it
wastes their time. Taking into account fact that ROS is a distributed
system with standardized data exchange method, providing of considered
communication interface looks like natural way to enhance Octave
functionality for facilitate and accelerate work of researchers.
From: Julien Delange <address@hidden>
Date: 27 July 2012 03:50
To: Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <address@hidden>
For your information.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Webmaster at sophia.estec.esa.int <address@hidden>
Date: Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 5:17 AM
Subject: Form submission from: Application form for students
To: address@hidden
Submitted on Thursday, July 26, 2012 - 23:17
Submitted by user: dellsystem
Submitted values are:
First Name (mandatory): Wendy
Last Name (mandatory): Liu
Email contact (mandatory): address@hidden
Personal website: dellsystem.me
Date of birth (mandatory): 04/20/1992
Nationality or nationalities (mandatory): Canada
Curriculum Vitae (mandatory):
Institution (mandatory): McGill University
Institution location (mandatory): Canada
Proof of enrollment (mandatory): [snipped]
Mentoring organization (mandatory): GNU Octave
Project proposal (mandatory): The project proposal can be viewed on
Github, at https://gist.github.com/5a222e8f5a834ed9459f
Additional notes: Just in case there's any confusion, my legal name is
Wanwan, not Wendy, but my preferred name is Wendy.
From: Julien Delange <address@hidden>
Date: 27 July 2012 03:50
To: Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <address@hidden>
For your information.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Webmaster at sophia.estec.esa.int <address@hidden>
Date: Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 7:13 AM
Subject: Form submission from: Application form for students
To: address@hidden
Submitted on Friday, July 27, 2012 - 01:13
Submitted by user: stephenhamilton
Submitted values are:
First Name (mandatory): Benoit
Last Name (mandatory): Hiller
Email contact (mandatory): address@hidden
Personal website:
Date of birth (mandatory): 02/15/1991
Nationality or nationalities (mandatory): Canadian
Curriculum Vitae (mandatory):
Institution (mandatory): McGill University
Institution location (mandatory): Canada
Proof of enrollment (mandatory): [snipped]
Mentoring organization (mandatory): GNU Octave
Project proposal (mandatory):
I plan to complete the Agora Octave website. The site aims to be a
substitute for Matlab Central designed for Octave. Such a site is
necessary because Matlab Central does not allow users to use any code
they download there with anything but MathWorks products. Also there
does not yet exist an Octave tailored code sharing site where users
can contribute freely and easily.
The Agora website is currently under construction and so far functions
as a simple pastebin. I would be extending it to support uploading
groups of files as a bundle. The bundles would provide the
functionality of simple packages.
= Benefits =
* Provides Octave users a collaboration tool to assist them in seeking
help or sharing code they have created
* Circumvents attempts by Wolfram to keep Octave users from using
valuable community ressources
= Project description =
I plan to provide the following functionality for bundles:
1. The ability to upload multiple files and group them into a bundle
with a description. Uploading a large number of files is still
somewhat awkward to do via a web interface so I would need to find a
good solution for managing files as you upload them to the bundle.
2. A viewer for both the bundle and the individual files.
3. Tools for updating a bundle. Once a user has uploaded a bundle they
should be able to post an updated version of the bundle, like a very
simple version control system.
4. Page to manage your bundles. The user landing page already exists
and so would just need to be updated to include a list of the user’s
5. The ability to download bundles or individual files from bundles.
6. Rating and commenting tools. Simple star based rating and per
bundle comments to help facilitate browsing and provide feedback.
7. Control of bundle license.
8. A tool to easily push high popular bundles to octave-forge
9. Pages that let you browse the bundles. The Agora currently features
a non functional latest page. The latest page would be useful for
browsing the pastebin posts. However to browse bundles it would be
necessary to provide an index sorted on things such as popularity and
name. Additionally you should be able to search both in code and
descriptions. These browsing features would be added as time allows.
This is relatively straightforward work building templates that mimic
the functionality of snippets over several files. My main goal is to
get the bundles up to where the pastebin is now, then any additional
time would go into making it more usable.
Some of the features, such as the ability to manage your existing
posts, are also lacking from the pastebin component of the site and
will need to be added there too.
= Deliverables =
1. Bundle creation, updating, viewing, management and rating/commenting
2. Basic browsing of both bundles and pastebins
= Timeline =
1. Developing a detailed plan of how I am going to implement each
feature and orienting myself with the existing codebase. Until mid
2. Developing the features above starting with completing the bundle
model code then implementing the templates in dependency order.
Creation before viewing before modification/rating/browsing before
management. Until mid October.
3. Testing features and usability. From when I can create and view
bundles until late October.
From: Julien Delange <address@hidden>
Date: 27 July 2012 05:31
To: Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <address@hidden>
For information.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Webmaster at sophia.estec.esa.int <address@hidden>
Date: Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 11:09 AM
Subject: Form submission from: Application form for students
To: address@hidden
Submitted on Friday, July 27, 2012 - 11:09
Submitted by user: w34
Submitted values are:
First Name (mandatory): David
Last Name (mandatory): Keller
Email contact (mandatory): address@hidden
Personal website:
Date of birth (mandatory): 06/19/1990
Nationality or nationalities (mandatory): German
Curriculum Vitae (mandatory):
Institution (mandatory): University of Bristol
Institution location (mandatory): The United Kingdom
Proof of enrollment (mandatory): [snipped]
Mentoring organization (mandatory): GNU Octave
Project proposal (mandatory):
My proposal is to integrate the GUI with the Octave build system, as
described on the project page,
Currently, it is independent of Octave and has to be built separately.
I have been using Linux as my operating system for years and am
familiar with several different Linux distributions. It is also my
main development platform. I therefore also use the GNU build system a
lot, but only rarely use QT.
I would also like to take this opportunity to give a short summary of
my life so far: I went to high school at Robert-Mayer-Gymnasium in
Heilbronn, Germany before leaving for England to study Computer
Science at the University of Bristol.
Even though I have only just finished my first year at Bristol, I feel
like I made the right choice by going there. My course, while
demanding, covers a vast array of different topics and I have never
felt short-changed.
We have also had a large number of coursework assignments, through
which I have been able to improve my coding and my problem solving
skills, affecting my development methodology.
I now sometimes sit down with just a pen and a paper in my hand, draw
a rough sketch of what I am trying to accomplish. Then I fill in the
gaps in detail, effectively employing top-to-bottom and bottom-up
Obviously, I also test and debug my code very thoroughly to make sure
it works as expected.
Besides getting excellent marks at school, I participated in a lot of
extracurricular activities as well, some of which helped me learn to
code, and others that helped me develop as an individual.
For instance, I participated at a Mathematics competition at the
internationally renowned company Bosch GmbH, where my team came in
second, which shows that I can work well in a team and that I am very
During the last three of summers, I interned at Phalanx-IT GmbH, an IT
security company, where, on top of learning a lot of useful things, I
could finally put my coding skills to good use. I wrote several
scripts and programmes, which are in productive use, to facilitate
certain tasks.
I have been planning to contribute to the open source community for a
long time and this project seems like a fascinating challenge.
Additional notes: I am in Prague from 02/08/2012 to 05/08/2012, but it
should not affect my work too much.
From: Julien Delange <address@hidden>
Date: 27 July 2012 05:30
To: Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <address@hidden>
For information.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Webmaster at sophia.estec.esa.int <address@hidden>
Date: Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 10:56 AM
Subject: Form submission from: Application form for students
To: address@hidden
Submitted on Friday, July 27, 2012 - 10:56
Submitted by user: emka
Submitted values are:
First Name (mandatory): Michał
Last Name (mandatory): Koziarski
Email contact (mandatory): address@hidden
Personal website: https://github.com/e-mka
Date of birth (mandatory): 08/21/1991
Nationality or nationalities (mandatory): Poland
Curriculum Vitae (mandatory):
Institution (mandatory): Poznań University of Technology
Institution location (mandatory): Poland
Proof of enrollment (mandatory): [snipped]
Mentoring organization (mandatory): GNU Octave
Project proposal (mandatory):
Finish the Octave GUI:
- define and implement a flexible docking system allowing to place any
subwindow at any location
- improve integration with octave: variable browser/editor, debugger,
- define and implement an option/preferences dialog
- improve additional components like the embedded IRC client or the
documentation browser
- Fwd: Ranking SOCIS student applications,
Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <=