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Re: Rif: Fwd: Rif: Re: error in reading matlab file

From: marco atzeri
Subject: Re: Rif: Fwd: Rif: Re: error in reading matlab file
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2012 09:06:53 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:13.0) Gecko/20120614 Thunderbird/13.0.1

On 6/29/2012 7:27 PM, address@hidden wrote:
I am sorry,

I put the mat file here

do not top post (i.e put your answer below the quoted text).
It makes it easier for other people to follow the discussion.

My answer was on the bottom....

address@hidden ha scritto: -----

    Per: "address@hidden" <address@hidden>
    Da: "marco atzeri"
    Inviato da: address@hidden
    Data: 29/06/2012 07:22PM
    Oggetto: Fwd: Rif: Re: error in reading matlab file

    I guess you have serious problem in understanding how
    mailing list should be used.

    Always reply to the mailing list, never reply to
    the personal address

    ------- Original Message --------
    Subject: Rif: Re: error in reading matlab file
    Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2012 19:01:08 +0200

    I put the mat file here

           > hello,

          do not hijack a different thread.
          Start a new one

           > i want to read a file written with matlab2010b using octave
    3.2.6 but
           > here is the error:
           > octave:1> load pm10.mat
           > error: load: pm10.mat: inconsistent number of columns near
           > error: load: unable to extract matrx size from file 'pm10.mat'
           > Do someone has some idea?
           > thanks
           > Michele
           > p.s.
           >   matlab 2010b read the file in a correct way.

          what about uploading the file somewhere ?
          EG ?

    Your file has functionality NOT implemented yet in octave
    plus you are using some specific toolbox.

    Here is the output on octave-3.7.0+

    octave:3> load pm10.mat
    warning: load: can't find the file
    warning: skipping over `'
    warning: load: can't find the file
    warning: skipping over `'
    warning: load: can't find the file
    warning: skipping over `'
    warning: load: can't find the file
    warning: skipping over `'
    warning: load: can't find the file
    warning: skipping over `'
    warning: load: can't find the file
    warning: skipping over `'
    warning: load: can't find the file
    warning: skipping over `'
    warning: load: can't find the file
    warning: skipping over `'
    warning: load: can't find the file
    warning: skipping over `'
    warning: no constructor for class network
    warning: load: element has been converted to a structure
    warning: load: can't find the file
    warning: skipping over `'
    warning: load: can't find the file
    warning: skipping over `'
    warning: load: can't find the file
    warning: skipping over `'
    warning: load: can't find the file
    warning: skipping over `'
    warning: load: can't find the file
    warning: skipping over `'
    warning: load: can't find the file
    warning: skipping over `'
    warning: load: can't find the file
    warning: skipping over `'
    warning: load: can't find the file
    warning: skipping over `'
    warning: load: can't find the file
    warning: skipping over `'
    warning: no constructor for class network
    warning: load: element has been converted to a structure
    octave:4> who
    Variables in the current scope:

    best_rete        emissioni_id     ind1             mse_tot
    output_net_norm  tcam_id          train_function
    celle_final      emissioni_val    ind2             mse_val
    output_val       tcam_val         train_ratio
    cont             flag_dom         input_net        net
    output_val_norm  test_ratio       transfer_fcn
    coordinate       flag_emi         input_net_norm   neurons
    ps_input         tf1              val
    corr             flag_pca         input_val        nomefile
    ps_target        tf2              val_feature
    corr_net         flag_target      input_val_norm   nomefile_id
    scenari          tot_flag_final   val_ratio
    corr_tot         flag_val         j                nomefile_val
    stato            tot_flag_val     valor_tcam
    corr_val         hidden_neuron    k                nx
    target_net       totale           valori_tcam
    corr_valid       i                min_mse          ny
    target_net_norm  train_epochs     xutm
    emissioni        id               mse_net          output_net
    target_val       train_feature    yutm

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