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Plots on multiple processors

From: Julien Salort
Subject: Plots on multiple processors
Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 21:43:03 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.3 (darwin)


I have a bunch of PNG pictures to generate with octave.
I thought I could speed it up by giving jobs to my 4 cores.
Therefore, I tried to combine parcellfun and print.

However, it does not work for me.

function essai_multi



function essai_plot(i)
  print(["test-" num2str(i) ".png"],"-dpng");

> essai_multi
parcellfun: 0/100 jobs donepanic: panic: Segmentation fault: 11Segmentation 
fault: 11 -- stopping myself...
 -- stopping myself...
panic: Segmentation fault: 11 -- stopping myself...
panic: Segmentation fault: 11 -- stopping myself...
error: invalid conversion from real matrix to real scalar
error: file id must be a file object, std::string, or integer value
warning: broken pipe -- some output may be lost
warning: broken pipe -- some output may be lost
warning: broken pipe -- some output may be lost
warning: broken pipe -- some output may be lost
error: called from:
error:   /sw/share/octave/3.6.1/packages/general-1.3.1/parcellfun.m at line 
328, column 1
error: /Users/jsalort/Desktop/Schlieren/essai_multi.m  at line 3, column

I'm using  Octave-3.6.1 (Fink)  on Mac OS  X Lion  with a Intel  Core i7
I've tried both gnuplot and fltk graphics toolkit.

Am I doing something wrong ?

Thank you,

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