%% Example for linear inequality constraints. %% model function: F = @ (x, p) p(1) * exp (p(2) * x); %% independents and dependents: x = 1:5; y = [1, 2, 4, 7, 14]; %% initial values: init = [.25; .25]; %% other configuration (default values): tolerance = .0001; max_iterations = 20; weights = ones (1, 5); dp = [.001; .001]; % bidirectional numeric gradient stepsize dFdp = 'dfdp'; % function for gradient (numerical) %% linear constraints, A.' * parametervector + B >= 0 A = [1; -1]; B = 0; % p(1) >= p(2); options.inequc = {A, B}; %% start leasqr, be sure that 'verbose' is not set global verbose; verbose = false; [f, p, cvg, iter] = ... leasqr (x, y, init, F, tolerance, max_iterations, ... weights, dp, dFdp, options)