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Re: get(gca) ordered alphabetically?

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: get(gca) ordered alphabetically?
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2012 16:29:55 -0500

On Feb 10, 2012, at 4:11 PM, Muhali wrote:

> subject says it all. Having so many entries for gca (or any other figure
> handle) makes it cumbersome to read if unordered. Could that be changed
> easily?
> M.

The order is determined by the sequence the properties are created.

The first 19 properties the base properties found in every object.  These could 
be alphabetical.

  [1,1] = beingdeleted
  [2,1] = busyaction
  [3,1] = buttondownfcn
  [4,1] = children
  [5,1] = clipping
  [6,1] = createfcn
  [7,1] = deletefcn
  [8,1] = handlevisibility
  [9,1] = hittest
  [10,1] = interruptible
  [11,1] = parent
  [12,1] = selected
  [13,1] = selectionhighlight
  [14,1] = tag
  [15,1] = type
  [16,1] = userdata
  [17,1] = visible
  [18,1] = __modified__
  [19,1] = uicontextmenu

The remaining default properties are specific to the specific object type. 
These could also be alphabetical.

  [20,1] = position
  [21,1] = box
  [22,1] = colororder
  [23,1] = dataaspectratio
  [24,1] = dataaspectratiomode
  [25,1] = layer
  [26,1] = xlim
  [27,1] = ylim
  [28,1] = zlim
  [29,1] = clim
  [30,1] = alim
  [31,1] = xlimmode
  [32,1] = ylimmode
  [33,1] = zlimmode
  [34,1] = climmode
  [35,1] = alimmode
  [36,1] = xlabel
  [37,1] = ylabel
  [38,1] = zlabel
  [39,1] = title
  [40,1] = xgrid
  [41,1] = ygrid
  [42,1] = zgrid
  [43,1] = xminorgrid
  [44,1] = yminorgrid
  [45,1] = zminorgrid
  [46,1] = xtick
  [47,1] = ytick
  [48,1] = ztick
  [49,1] = xtickmode
  [50,1] = ytickmode
  [51,1] = ztickmode
  [52,1] = xminortick
  [53,1] = yminortick
  [54,1] = zminortick
  [55,1] = xticklabel
  [56,1] = yticklabel
  [57,1] = zticklabel
  [58,1] = xticklabelmode
  [59,1] = yticklabelmode
  [60,1] = zticklabelmode
  [61,1] = interpreter
  [62,1] = color
  [63,1] = xcolor
  [64,1] = ycolor
  [65,1] = zcolor
  [66,1] = xscale
  [67,1] = yscale
  [68,1] = zscale
  [69,1] = xdir
  [70,1] = ydir
  [71,1] = zdir
  [72,1] = yaxislocation
  [73,1] = xaxislocation
  [74,1] = view
  [75,1] = nextplot
  [76,1] = outerposition
  [77,1] = activepositionproperty
  [78,1] = ambientlightcolor
  [79,1] = cameraposition
  [80,1] = cameratarget
  [81,1] = cameraupvector
  [82,1] = cameraviewangle
  [83,1] = camerapositionmode
  [84,1] = cameratargetmode
  [85,1] = cameraupvectormode
  [86,1] = cameraviewanglemode
  [87,1] = currentpoint
  [88,1] = drawmode
  [89,1] = fontangle
  [90,1] = fontname
  [91,1] = fontsize
  [92,1] = fontunits
  [93,1] = fontweight
  [94,1] = gridlinestyle
  [95,1] = linestyleorder
  [96,1] = linewidth
  [97,1] = minorgridlinestyle
  [98,1] = plotboxaspectratio
  [99,1] = plotboxaspectratiomode
  [100,1] = projection
  [101,1] = tickdir
  [102,1] = tickdirmode
  [103,1] = ticklength
  [104,1] = tightinset
  [105,1] = units

If the user specifies additional properties, they are added at the end.

I like idea of ordering the properties by when they were created. Even so, the 
current situation could be improved. If you're interested in providing a patch, 
take a look at

In any event, there is an easy work around. Try ...

        orderfields (get (gca))


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