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Re: weighted residuals are not real

From: preeti gaikwad
Subject: Re: weighted residuals are not real
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2011 13:10:00 +0100

Function body:::::::::::::::::::::

function F = trans_fnc(x,p) %

if nargin~=2

error('This function is waiting for 2 arguments')


ls = p(1); % in um

la = p(2);% in um

offset = 0.0;

c=0.3; %speed of light in um/fs

n1 = 1.05; % average refractive index

n2 = 1;

R =((n1-n2)/(n1+n2))^2;

z0 = (2/3)*ls*(1+R)/(1-R);

ze = (la/2)*log((1+(1/la)*z0)/(1-(1/la)*z0));

zp = ze;

%% model function:

F =1.0./( (la/ze)*sinh((zp+ze)/la)*sinh(ze/la)./sinh(((x+offset)+2*ze)/la)); % inverse transmittance

 This is my function body and then I have to find the value of ls and la I have x value and y but for particular x value it is fitting but for some x its not fitting.....

where using leasqr as follows

for i=1:nr % i is the LAMBDA VARIABLE


%% start leasqr, be sure that 'verbose' is not set

global verbose; verbose = false;

[f, p] = leasqr (x, y, pin,'trans_fnc', tolerance, max_iterations, weights, dp, dFdp, options);

ls(i) = p(1);

la(i) = p(2);

fit(i,:) = f;


importantly i do not understand how to fixed the weighted residual in my case it is 

weights = ones (1, nc);

 where nc is column value for y
thanks for ur help in advance

On 18 November 2011 12:55, Ben Abbott <address@hidden> wrote:
On Nov 18, 2011, at 6:30 AM, preeti gaikwad <address@hidden> wrote:

Hello all,

    I am thee new user of octave could u please help me?
I am getting this error using "

weighted residuals are not real

error: called from:

error: /usr/share/octave/packages/3.2/optim-1.0.12/leasqr.m at line 394, colu

mn 4"

do not understand why using leasqr to fit my data.....when I hv 20 points i dont hv this problem but still it is not fitting well but if i reduce some points i m getting this error....could u please tell me why it is so? 

Can you show us what you did to cause this error?

Perhaps a simple example we can try ourselves?


preeti gaikwad

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