Then, 1. the following command works for me rlocus(gs)
2. the following command doesn't work for me [rldata,k]=rlocus(gs[, increment, min_k, max_k]);
(please, read the help)
3. the following command doesn't work for me [rldata,k]=rlocus(gs,[ increment, min_k, max_k]);
4. the following command works not well for me
[rldata,k]=rlocus(gs,[ increment; min_k; max_k]);
because it is equal to, [rldata,k]=rlocus(gs);
If rlocus worked well, rldata should be a matrix whose size must be 2x21 and the response is a matrix 2x328.
I think there is a documentation problem, but I'm not sure.
Eduardo --
Dr. Eduardo J. Adam
Prof. Adjunto Instrumentación y Control de Procesos
Facultad de Ingeniería Química
Santiago del Estero 2654, (S3000AOJ), Santa Fe, SF, Argentina
Tel. +54 (0342) 457-1167 Int. 2742