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Octave does not start gnuplot

From: Paul Schanda
Subject: Octave does not start gnuplot
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2010 09:09:23 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (

Hi there,

I have installed Octave and Gnuplot, using MacPorts, on my MacBook Pro. 
The octave is version 3.2.4, gnuplot is Version 4.4 patch level 2. 
Gnuplot's terminal type is set to 'aqua'.

I can start octave without problems and its functions seem to work. 
However, when I try to plot something gnuplot is not started correctly. 
I try the following:

octave:1> a=[1 2 3]
octave:2> plot(a)

These commands start up X11 as well as AquaTerm. 
However, then nothing else happens. 
octave goes back to a promt again:


No gnuplot window pops up, no graph coming... There are no error messages,
making it hard to know where to start.

I found that I have "gnuplot" in a couple of places, 
because it apparently came
with some other Unix-type programs I am using (such as NMRPipe). 
I am not sure whether this can make problems.
I have also tried to create an alias in my .cshrc, 
such that I am sure that a command "gnuplot" points to the version 
that I have installted together with octave.

Any ideas ?

By the way, I also find that I cannot cleanly exit octave. 
It just gets stuck
and I have to quit the program with Ctrl-C. 
Could this be related ?



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