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Re: Intersection line and its error of two best fitting planes

From: Stefan Neumann
Subject: Re: Intersection line and its error of two best fitting planes
Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 21:35:14 +0200

2010/5/14 <address@hidden>

I have two sets of measured points (in 3D). Points of each set are supposed to
sit on a plane.
Now I want to find the intersection line and its  directional  and  positional

The best fitting plane could be found with linear regression. The plane is in vector 'B', errors etc can be found in variables 'Residuals' and 'STATS'

octave:1> % generate some X
octave:1> X=rand(20,2);
octave:2> % put points near a plane
octave:2> y=.1*X(:,1)-.2*X(:,2) + (.2*rand(20,1)-.1) + 5 ;
octave:3> % add column of ones to find the constant
octave:3> X = [X ones(rows(X),1)] ;
octave:4> % find plane with linear regression
octave:4> [B, BINT, Residuals, RINT, STATS] = regress (y,X);
octave:5> B
B =


octave:6> % I like visual :-)
octave:6> [xx,yy] = meshgrid([0:.1:1],[0:.1:1]);
octave:7> zz = B(1)*xx+B(2)*yy+B(3);
octave:8> mesh(xx,yy,zz);
octave:9> hold on
octave:10> plot3(X(:,1),X(:,2),y,"o");

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