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Re: What does power operator ^ returns?

From: macy
Subject: Re: What does power operator ^ returns?
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 10:51:39 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.13

this worked fine for me:

>> sign(a)*abs(a)^(1/3)

preserves the sign and only returns the real root.

> Hi all!
> I need to compute the cubic root of many negative numbers. My problem
> is real-valued, hence I am not interested in the imaginary solutions.
> However, if I use the power operator '^', Octave returns just the
> first imaginary solution. The same applies when doing any odd root.
> Example:
> octave> a=-8
> a = -8
> octave> a^(1/3)
> ans = 1.000000000000000e+00 + 1.732050807568877e+00i
> How can I make octave to return the real solution, which in my example
> is just -2? I do not want just the absolute value (i.e. abs(a^(1/3)),
> since it does not preserve the sign.  I could do with a check on the
> sign, but it would be inefficient.
> I am using Octave 3.2.3 on Mac Os X 10.6.
> Thank you very much,
> Guido
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