On Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 12:44 PM, George Barrick
<address@hidden> wrote:
Subject: feature request.
2009.09.22.12:15:56 EDT
Hello GNU Octave folks,
I'd like to request that the 'position' property
of figure() windows be implemented in Octave.
I typically like to have fine control over the
diagrams that I exhibit for my students. I _can_ get
control over the proportions of the graphing window
with print statements like:
print -djpeg "-S384,384" f44posn.jpg ;
in my octave scripts. However, it would be nice if
the X11-display of the graph precisely mimicked the
print output whenever I demand of the octave-interpreter
a window having particular proportions.
With my current set-up:
WinXP Pro. SP3 ver. 5.1 build 2600
CygWin 1.7.0-61
Xorg-x11 1.6.3-1
Octave 3.2.3-1
Gnuplot 4.2.4-1
the octave-interpreter ignores me when I set the
'postion' property of my figure(). It always creates
an x11-window that is 640x480.
If this is already done in the octave-3.3 development,
forgive my ignorance. I haven't had time to keep up
with the development code in the mercurial repository.
Anyone who is interested in such a feature can
see whether this behavior is reproduced on their local
set-up. At the end of this post is my script for
a parabola where I ask octave to create a square window.
Note that the statement in my script:
set( kdle,'NextPlot','add') ;
is important. If I run the script without that line,
octave seems to re-spawn the axes upon further graphics
calls, and does whatever it pleases with the figure and
axis properties.
George address@hidden
% <file: fall44.m>
%% Set up graphing parameters. Set vectors that state
%% window position and size.
winXst = 256 ;
winYst = 256 ;
winWdt = 256 ;
winHgt = 256 ;
winPos = [ winXst winYst winWdt winHgt ] ;
%% Set the vector that gives area inside the window where
%% axes will be drawn. All locations are stated relative
%% to the window position. Use window width and height
%% as denominators.
win = [ winWdt winHgt winWdt winHgt ] ;
plotWdt = 210 ;
plotHgt = 210 ;
plotXst = 38 ;
plotYst = 38 ;
plotPos = [ plotXst plotYst plotWdt plotHgt ] ./ win ;
%% Set limits for the axes.
xlims = [ 0.00, 2.10 ] ;
ylims = [ 0.00, 2.10 ] ;
%% The graphics functions figure() and axes() are called using
%% the settings previously written up. Use "hdle" as the graphics
%% handle for the figure window.
hdle = figure() ;
set( hdle,'Position',winPos ) ;
%% Spawn axes first, then re-configure them.
kdle = axes() ;
set( kdle,'Position',plotPos ) ;
set( kdle,'XLim',xlims,'YLim',ylims ) ;
set( kdle,'NextPlot','add') ;
%% Create the axis labels.
kt3 = xlabel( 'x(t)' ) ;
ku3 = ylabel( 'y(t)' ) ;
%% Create the graph.
xrow = [ 0.00 : 0.02 : 0.62 ] ;
xvals = [ xrow , 2*sqrt(5)/7 ] ;
wunz = ones( size( xvals ) ) ;
gee = 9.80 ;
yvals = ( -0.5 * gee * ( xvals.^2 )) + ( 2.0 * wunz ) ;
l1 = plot( xvals, yvals, 'k-' );
set(l1,'LineWidth',2) ;
hndle = [ hdle; kdle; kt3; ku3; l1 ];
%% print -djpeg "-S384,384" f44posn.jpg;
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