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Re: Some Octave newbie questions regarding number format and matrices

From: Przemek Klosowski
Subject: Re: Some Octave newbie questions regarding number format and matrices
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 08:21:37 -0400
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On 09/20/2009 02:06 AM, Jordi GutiƩrrez Hermos wrote:
2009/9/19 hdfrango<address@hidden>:
1. is there any way to force octave to express numbers in fraction form, to
avoid loss of precision?
If you don't want to lose precision, you need a symbolic CAS, like
Sage or Maxima, not Octave.
True in general, but you can use the command 'format rat' to at least
output the numbers as fractions:

octave:7> 1/3
ans = 1/3

octave:8> pi
ans = 355/113

There's also the rat() function that calculates rational approximations
to numbers to a given tolerance.

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