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Re: ode45 gives solution in the "Dark Side," but not in Octave
From: |
John W. Eaton |
Subject: |
Re: ode45 gives solution in the "Dark Side," but not in Octave |
Date: |
Wed, 2 Sep 2009 20:30:34 -0400 |
On 2-Sep-2009, John B. Thoo wrote:
| On Sep 1, 2009, at 3:00 PM, John W. Eaton wrote:
| > On 1-Sep-2009, John B. Thoo wrote:
| >
| > | Hi. I have a question about using ode45 in Octave 3.2.2 (and OdePkg
| > | on Mac OS X 10.4.11) vs. in the "Dark Side" 7.4.0 (R2007a) (on a
| > | server ... Linux?). My code can be found here at the moment:
| > |
| > | <http://ms.yccd.edu/~jb2/PickUp/twoway.zip>
| > |
| > | "run_twoway.m" executes the code.
| > |
| > | Both Octave and the Dark Side solve the problem (i.e., do not return
| > | an error) to produce a solution u, and both give
| > |
| > | > size (u)
| > | ans =
| > |
| > | 8192 102
| > |
| > | However, while I can plot the solution in the Dark Side, in Octave I
| > | can plot only the first four frames. In fact, in Octave I get
| > NaN +
| > | 0.00000i from u(:,5) on. Why is that?
| > |
| > | I would appreciate any hints. Thanks.
| >
| > Have you tried using lsode in Octave instead of ode45 (which is not
| > part of Octave, BTW).
| I haven't tried lsode. The reason for my using ode45 is my advisor
| uses the Dark Side only, and we need to run the same code. Thanks.
Here's a simple wrapper for lsode that I think will provide a simple
ode45 interface. It doesn't cover all the options, but it will
probably work in a lot of cases, provided that you just need a
solution, and not specifically a Runge-Kutta method. It shoudl be
fairly easy to fix the interface if ti isn't compatible enough for
function [t_out, x] = ode45 (f, t, x0, options)
if (nargin == 3 || nargin == 4)
global __ode45s_rhs_fcn__;
__ode45s_rhs_fcn__ = f;
if (nargin == 4)
if (isfield (options, "RelTol") && ! isempty (options.RelTol))
lsode_options ("relative tolerance", options.RelTol)
if (isfield (options, "AbsTol") && ! isempty (options.AbsTol))
lsode_options ("absolute tolerance", options.AbsTol)
x = lsode (@__lsode_rhs__, x0, t);
t_out = t;
print_usage ();
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
function xdot = __lsode_rhs__ (x, t)
global __ode45s_rhs_fcn__;
xdot = __ode45s_rhs_fcn__ (t, x);