On Aug 20, 2009, at 1:45 PM, John B. Thoo wrote:
Hi. I was using the script (see below) to print a sequence of plots
as .png files so that I may create a movie using QuickTime Pro.
Everything was going well until about half the plots had been
printed, and I got the following error:
octave-3.2.0:36> makemovie
/Applications/Gnuplot.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnuplot: fork:
Resource temporarily unavailable
/Applications/Gnuplot.app/Contents/Resources/bin/gnuplot: line 67: /
bin/gnuplot-4.2.5: No such file or directory
What does this indicate?
A second question: It takes a while to draw each plot (x11) before it
is printed. Is there a way to suppress the drawing, and only print
the .png files from the data?
%% script name: makemovie.m
filename = "muNegOne_ord7tf1";
wait = max (1/(tf - t0 + 1), 0.05); % pause time between frames
lT = length (T) - 1; % T = total number of plots saved in data file
N = 150; % number of time intervals (frames) to plot (must have N
<= lT)
if (N > lT)
error ('N > lT; need N <= lT');
time = ones (1, N);
time(2:N+1) = floor ((lT/N)*(1:N)) + 1;
for j = 1:N+1 % for "ode45"
plot (x, u(:,time(j)));
title (strcat ('time =', num2str ((tf-t0)*(time(j) - 1)/lT)));
axis ([0 2*pi -1.5 1.5]);
% axis([0 2*pi 2*min(real(u0)) 2*max(real(u0))]);
print (sprintf ("./MakeMovie/%s%d.png", filename, j), "-dpng");
(Any suggestions to clean up my script would also be appreciated.)
I am using Octave 3.2.0 and gnuplot 4.2 patchlevel 5 on Mac OS X
10.4.11. Both Octave.app and Gnuplot.app were installed from Thomas
Treichl's .dmg disc image into my Applications folder.
Hi, again. Just an update. I upgraded to Octave 3.2.2, but still
get that error.
My workaround had been to 1) open Octave, 2) load the data file
(which takes several minutes), 3) print about 50 plots, 4) quit
Octave, 5) repeat until all the desired plots in the sequence have
been printed. A bit tedious, but it works.