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Re: Convert Octave .m file to an executable (Rob Mahurin)

From: Chengqi Chang
Subject: Re: Convert Octave .m file to an executable (Rob Mahurin)
Date: Sat, 08 Aug 2009 09:16:34 +0800
User-agent: Opera Mail/9.64 (Win32)

I'm working in Octave, and was wondering if there is a way to construct
a stand-alone, executable file (i.e. a.out file).  I know that mablab
uses the "mcc " to do so, but was wondering if Octave has that
capability.  Thank you for your help.
According to :
"Compiler On a related point, there is no Octave compiler, and so you  
can't convert your Octave code into a binary for additional speed or  
distribution. There is an example of how to do this at, but this is a very early example  
code and would need lots of work to complete it."
Best Regards!
Sincerely Yours             Chengqi Chang
China Center for Economic Research
Mail: address@hidden
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