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Re: Figure Position

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: Figure Position
Date: Mon, 03 Aug 2009 18:58:31 -0400

On Aug 3, 2009, at 9:20 AM, Kristen Richter wrote:

Hello all,

I am attempting to apply the position property to several figures in order them to tile them across the screen. After reading the online Matlab
manual, it seems like the appropriate commands are

figure('Position',[left bottom width height])
or even set(figure(#),'Position',[left bottom width height])

However, using these commands in Octave only produces a figure that auto-tiles with my command window. When I query get(figure(#),'Position'), I get my input back, as if the figure created was actually at this position. And I've double-triple- checked the units I'm using.
Once, in my harried quest to get this working, I managed to change  
the offset of the auto-tiling, but reviewing over my command  
history, I cannot seem to reproduce this.
I've spent some time searching wikis for problems other people have  
posted and reading a little over the archives (since Jan-09) of this  
mailing list and haven't found anything similar to what I am  
experiencing, though I understand that Octave and gnuplot may be  
unaware of any resizing or change in position that I do with my  
mouse.  I'm not sure if this is an area where development for Octave  
hasn't reached, but the 'Position' property seems like a commonly  
used handle.
Any light that could be shed on this situation would be greatly  
And I'm running the latest version of octave, 3.2.0, compiled in  
Ubuntu without arpack (couldn't get this working).
Hi Kristen,

Unfortunately, Octave's handle graphics are not yet fully compatible with Matlab. The figure position property is only partially compatible. To place the figure you need to be running gnuplot 4.2.5 or later and octave 3.2.x.
 When creating a figure, you can set the figure's position by

        figure (h, "position", [xLL, yLL, width, height])

For example ...

        figure(1,"position",get(0,"screensize")([3,4,3,4]).*[0.1 0.2 0.8 0.7])

Once the plot stream to gnuplot is open, it is no longer possible to can the the figures position (unless someone wants to write the necessary code to communicate with x11).

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