On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 5:51 PM, Lukas Reichlin
<address@hidden> wrote:
Dear Octave Community,
I wrote an objective function to optimize an Aström/Hägglund PID
Controller numerically by fminsearch. Versions for Octave and Matlab/
SImulink can be found here:
The Octave control package is quite limited. However, I managed to get
along quite easily except for one thing: the gain margin of a system.
In Matlab, there's [gamma, phi, w_gamma, w_phi] = margin(sys). I
couldn't think of a way to calculate the gain margin numerically. Is
there any control systems engineer out there who knows how to
implement an algorithm for the problem? Help would be very appreciated.
BTW: Despite I implemented the routine quite differently, the
conformity of the results between Matlab and Octave is simply
fantastic :-)
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