Maybe my problem is a trivial thing but I have no idea how to solve it. I must display the FFT time series data for many years in segments. My data contain of maximum five channel. In this email, I just attached the script for channel one. I don't know how Octave can handle my result, so I used gnuplot to display my image (the first script: FFT script for channel one).
I tried to attach my figure, but it was too big and my email was bounced so I put my figure in this link : It is OK for me. But when I want to display spectrogram's result, I am not sure GnuPlot can do it. So I change my script like the second script using Octave only (FFT&spectrogram script). I want to display the result like my before result using GnuPlot. But, I didn't get anything, even the error message.
Any kind of help is appreciated. Thanks very much.
############## 1. FFT script
for year in 2009 do for month in 01 do for day in 01 do for num in 00 01 02 03 04
set term postscript enhanced color
set output "electric-fft-${year}${month}${day}"
set logscale y set grid set ytics out font "Times New Roman, 8" set ylabel "Amplitude" 2,0 font "Times New Roman, 10"
set format y '10^{%L}' set xlabel "Frekuensi (Hz)" 0,1 font "Times New Roman, 10" set xrange [0:0.5] set xtics 0, 0.1, 0.5 font "Times New Roman, 8"
set multiplot
#channel 1
set origin 0.0,0.79 set size 0.275,0.21 set title "E1-00" 0,-1 font "Times New Roman, 10" plot "${year}${month}${day}.1Hz.00compile1.dat" using 1:2 with lines notitle "${year}${month}${day}.1Hz.00compile1.dat"
set origin 0.0, 0.59 set size 0.275,0.21 set title "E1-01" 0,-1 font "Times New Roman, 10" plot "${year}${month}${day}.1Hz.01compile1.dat" using 1:2 with lines notitle "${year}${month}${day}.1Hz.01compile1.dat"
set origin 0.0, 0.39 set size 0.275,0.21 set title "E1-02" 0,-1 font "Times New Roman, 10" plot "${year}${month}${day}.1Hz.02compile1.dat" using 1:2 with lines notitle "${year}${month}${day}.1Hz.02compile1.dat"
set origin 0.0, 0.19 set size 0.275,0.21 set title "E1-03" 0,-1 font "Times New Roman, 10" plot "${year}${month}${day}.1Hz.03compile1.dat" using 1:2 with lines notitle "${year}${month}${day}.1Hz.03compile1.dat"
set origin 0.0, 0.0 set size 0.275,0.21 set title "E1-04" 0,-1 font "Times New Roman, 10" plot "${year}${month}${day}.1Hz.04compile1.dat" using 1:2 with lines notitle "${year}${month}${day}.1Hz.04compile1.dat"
unset multiplot EOF
done done done done
2. FFT&spectrogram script
for year in 2009 do for month in 01 do for day in 01 do
for num in 00 01 02 03 04 do