at work, I often have to generate the same kind of plots with
particular labels,
line styles, etc.. I would like to create templates for these plots.
For this, I
collect plot options in a struct like it is returned by the get
function. E.g.
style = struct("linewidth", 2, "marker", "x", "markersize", 12);
Now, I want to pass these options to the plot function. At the
moment, I do it
like this:
plot(1:5, 5:-1:1, {fieldnames(style)'{:}; struct2cell(style)'{:}}
h=plot(1:5, 5:-1:1);
set(h, {fieldnames(style)'{:}; struct2cell(style)'{:}}{:});
Does anyone know a more elegant way of converting a structure to a
cs-list of
key, value, ...?
Also, I would like to wrap this transformation into a function. I
tried it like
this (in octave compiled from the current tip):
function varargout = struct2options (structure)
varargout = {fieldnames(structure)'{:}; struct2cell(structure)'{:}};
And, indeed, the function works in a way:
[a, b, c, d] = struct2options(style)
ans = 4
a = linewidth
b = 2
c = marker
d = x
However, used within a plot command, the following happens:
octave:177> plot(1:5, 5:-1:1, struct2options(style))
ans = 1
error: plot: properties must appear followed by a value
error: called from:
error: /home/thorsten/local/share/octave/3.1.55/m/plot/__plt__.m
at line 62,
column 8
Apparently, in that context, the function struct2options settles on
only one return argument.
Is there any way to force a function to deliver all its output
arguments? I
tried to set nargout within the function but that didn't change
Apart from that, whouldn't it be good to extend the syntax of the
plot functions
(or at least the set function) such that they also accept options in a
structure? Then, the above commands could also be:
plot(1:5, 5:-1:1, style)
h = plot(...)
set(h, style)