On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 4:08 PM, Alexander
Barth<address@hidden> wrote:
Hi all,
I would like to compile octave with --enable-64 to create matrices
larger than 2GB.
Does somebody has experience in compiling BLAS, LAPACK and SuiteSparse
so that this option can be used?
So far I tried to compile the reference BLAS and LAPACK with the
gfortran option -fdefault-integer-8 and SuiteSparse with the option
-DLP64 (I got this from UMFPACK's User Guide). However the example
program in UMFPACK (SuiteSparse/UMFPACK/Demo/umfpack_simple) failed at
the call of dgemv (a BLAS function).
I have the same error with gotoBLAS 1.26 (using BINARY64=1 INTERFACE64=1).
Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
My system and software versions:
gcc/gfortran 4.2.4
octave 3.0.5
metis 4.0.1
SuiteSparse 3.4.0
lapack 3.1.1
Ubuntu 8.04 / Xeon 64-bit / 16 GB RAM
It seems that compiling suitesparse with the flags " -DLP64
-D'LONGBLAS=long int' -D'LONG=long int' " works. It compiles correctly
the demo program in UMFPACK and the building of octave works too.
In octave, splu does also works:
A = sprandn(2000,2000,.1);
[L,U] = splu(A);
d = L*U - A; max(abs(d(:)))
ans = Compressed Column Sparse (rows = 1, cols = 1, nnz = 1)
(1, 1) -> 6.8834e-14