I have no problem using Gnuplot, when I use it alone from the command
line, by changing my environment variable TERM from "xterm-color" to
When I call "plot" from octave, though, it won't use the environment
variable but gives me this:
octave:4> plot(x,y)
gnuplot> plot "-" using ($1):($2) axes x1y1 title "" with lines
linestyle 1 ;
line 0: use 'set term' to set terminal type first
gnuplot> 0 0
line 0: invalid command
I don't know HOW to set he terminal type from octave. I need to pass
"aqua" to Gnuplot when it is called from Octave.
Any suggestions?
I'm totally new to both Gnuplot and Octave, although I have a bit of
experience with MATLAB, back in the mid-nineties.
Thanks in advance.