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Re: How to write function to plot?

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: How to write function to plot?
Date: Sat, 25 Apr 2009 11:22:42 -0400

On Apr 25, 2009, at 10:52 AM, John B. Thoo wrote:

Hi, everyone.  I have a question about writing a function for
plotting some data saved to a file.

I have some data saved to a file "heat_q.mat" for the variables k, x,
t, u.  Here's a snippet.

%%%%%%%%%% begin snippet %%%%%%%%%%%
# Created by Octave 3.0.5, Fri Apr 24 13:11:38 2009 PDT <address@hidden
# name: k
# type: scalar
# name: x
# type: matrix
# rows: 1
# columns: 21
 0 0.3141592653589793 0.6283185307179586 0.9424777960769379
# name: t
# type: range
# base, limit, increment
0 1 0.1
# name: u
# type: matrix
# rows: 21
# columns: 11
 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
 0.8090169943749475 0.3323236694342593 0.136510137653631
%%%%%%%%%% end snippet %%%%%%%%%%%

If I load the file and then enter on the command line

l = 3;
plot (x, u(:,l), '-ok', x, exp (-k^2*t(l))*sin (k*x), '-b');

then I get a plot.  However, if I use the following function

function plotheat_q (l)

% plot numerical solution and exact solution at time  t0+l*dt;
plot (x, u(:,l), '-ok', x, exp (-k^2*t(l))*sin (k*x), '-b');


then I get the following error:

octave-3.0.5:2> load heat_q.mat k x t u
octave-3.0.5:3> plotheat_q (3)
error: `x' undefined near line 4 column 7
error: evaluating argument list element number 1
error: called from `plotheat_q' in file `/Users/jbthoo/Desktop/

What am I doing wrongly?



The function has its own private variable space. You can fix this is two ways

First, pass the variables to the function

function plotheat_q (l, k, t, x, u)

% plot numerical solution and exact solution at time  t0+l*dt;
plot (x, u(:,l), '-ok', x, exp (-k^2*t(l))*sin (k*x), '-b');



octave-3.0.5:2> load heat_q.mat k x t u
octave-3.0.5:3> plotheat_q (3, k, x, t, u)

Second, load the file inside the function

function plotheat_q (l)

load heat_q.mat k x t u

% plot numerical solution and exact solution at time  t0+l*dt;
plot (x, u(:,l), '-ok', x, exp (-k^2*t(l))*sin (k*x), '-b');


and then

octave-3.0.5:3> plotheat_q (3)


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