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files or pipes use for data exchange? or something else?

From: Marco Driusso
Subject: files or pipes use for data exchange? or something else?
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 18:57:12 +0100

Dear all,
I'm embedding octave in a c++ program. I use the octave_embed packet to initialize and call the octave functions I need, but in this packet I haven't found a way to pass to octave my c++ variables. My first own solution was:
- c++ code -> octave: convert my double arrays in string and evaluate them with the octave_embed's
so the evaluated strings became variables in the octave workspace;
- octave -> c++ code: save the elaborated variables in a file with the octave's save and read them from the c++ code with operator >>.

In my c++ program I have to call the octave functions many times, so this way was not efficient (because implies write and read into/from the file sistem many times). So I thought that using named pipes (fifos) was a better solution:
- c++ code -> octave:
    FILE* fifoW;
    pid_t pid=fork();

        fwrite(datas,sizeof(double),tot,fifoW);//datas is a double array of dimentions tot
    else if(pid>0)
        octave_call("fifoR = fopen(\"/../fifo\",\"r\");");
        octave_call("data="">         octave_call("fclose(fifoR);");

- octave -> c++ code:
    FILE* fifoR;
    pid_t pid=fork();
        octave_call("fifoW = fopen(\"/../fifo\",\"w\");");
        octave_call("scrivo = fwrite(fifoW,elData,\"double\");");
    else if(pid>0)
        fread(elData,sizeof(double),dim,fifoR);//elData is a double array of diment dim
(I've omitted all error check). Timing this and the other solution I've founded that the pipe solution is slower than the file solution and I don't know why. The two solution take similar times when the dimentions of the arrays became bigger (but the file solution remane faster than the  pipe solution). The questions are:
-Does anyone know why pipes are in this case slower than files?
-Has anyone a better solution than pipes or files?

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