embedding octave - passing variables and take them back
Marco Driusso
embedding octave - passing variables and take them back
Mon, 9 Mar 2009 15:20:58 +0100
Hello, I'm trying to embed the octave interpreter into a c++ program, following the octave_embed.tar.gz example (http://wiki.octave.org/wiki.pl?OctaveEmbedded). In this example is explained how to call functions and scripts but not how to pass variables from the c++ ambient to the octave workspace.
The only solutions I've founded are: 1) transform my c++ double arrays to strings and then evaluate them, to pass variables from c++ to octave; 2) save the elaborated variable into a file with the option save(-ascii,..) and read it from the c++ ambient, to pass variables from octave to my c++ program;
but this is not a good solution.
In the help-octave archivie I've founded something like using symbol_table::varref but I don't understand what I've to do.
Could someone explain me how I can push a variable to octave and also get an octave variable back?
Would be enough to show me how to put a dobule array double a[length] in the octave workspace, and how to take back an octave variable to the c++ ambient.
Thanks! Marco
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embedding octave - passing variables and take them back,
Marco Driusso<=