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Can I pass filename to script called in shell?

From: Terry Duell
Subject: Can I pass filename to script called in shell?
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 15:39:34 +1100
User-agent: Opera Mail/9.63 (Linux)

Hullo All,
The subject sounds a bit circuitous, hopefully I will be able to explain what I am trying to do.
I have a script file (run-psd.m), as follows...

        file = read(argv(){2});
        acc = dlmread(file);
        psd = autspec(acc,dt,win,raw);
        save -ascii psddata psd

And I want to be able to use that from a shell, as follows...

#! /bin/sh

  for ACC in `cat accfile`
        octave run-psd.m /driver-acc/$ACC
        gnuplot plotpsd
        mv psdfiles/$
  echo "All done"

All my input files are listed in the file'accfile'.
my script file (run-psd.m) works OK from the commandline if I replace the first line with 'file = input("Acc-time history filename ","s");' or similar. This is OK for testing or a small number of input files and I manually enter the filename, but I would like to automate it to handle a large number of files. I am getting an error 'read' undefined, so clearly I don't have the right syntax, or maybe not even the right approach.
Could someone please point me in the right direction?

Terry Duell

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