On Sun, Feb 15, 2009 at 07:44:03PM +0100, juanba romance wrote:
> func_engine = inline( "par(1) + ( par(2) / ( 1 + ( par(3) * par(4).^( -
> par(5) * x ) ) ) )", "x", "par");
Replace "/" with "./", otherewhise "func_engine" won't probably do
what you want, and also it will return a line-vector (instead of a
column vector), which probably causes the following error.
> error: operator -: nonconformant arguments (op1 is 7x1, op2 is 1x7)
> error: evaluating binary operator `-' near line 183, column 9
> error: evaluating binary operator `.*' near line 183, column 5
> error: evaluating assignment _expression_ near line 183, column 2
> error: called from `leasqr' in file
> `/usr/share/octave/packages/optim-1.0.4/leasqr.m'
> error: called from `analyzer' in file
> `/home/umov/suinsa-svn/tomograph-analyzer/analyzer.m'
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