On 29 Jan 2009, at 14:45, Adriana Bustillos wrote:
Sorry for my basic question but I am new in the octave world.
I would like to know how can I print from the shell?? I run my
program and see my results in the black screen. How can I print
those results?
Thank you for your help.
I assume from your mention of the "black screen" you are running
Octave under windows, right?
I do not use windows myself, but an approach that would work on any
systes is the "diary" command :
>> diary on ## start recording session to the diary file
>> ## do some calculations and print results to screen
>> diary off ## stop recording
>> edit diary
and you should see a text file in your favourite editor showing all
your commands and their results that you can edit and/or print as any
other text file.
for more info type "help diary" at the octave prompt.