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Re: Adding Greek Characters To Plots

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: Adding Greek Characters To Plots
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2008 16:53:54 -0400

On Wednesday, October 15, 2008, at 03:57PM, "David Bateman" <address@hidden> 
>Ben Abbott wrote:
>> On Wednesday, October 15, 2008, at 02:39PM, "John W. Eaton" <address@hidden> 
>> wrote:
>>> The following works for me with the current development sources:
>>>  axis ([-pi, pi, 0, 1]);
>>>  set (gca, 'fontname', 'symbol')
>>>  set (gca, 'xtick', [-pi, -pi/2, 0, pi/2, pi])
>>>  set (gca, 'xticklabel', {'-p', '-p/2', '0', 'p/2', 'p'})
>>> and I think this is compatible behavior.  However, it does not seem
>>> like a good general solution to me as I don't see how you would mix
>>> symbol and non-symbol 'p' this way.  Also, shouldn't we be able to use
>>> TeX notation in the tick labels to avoid that problem?  That doesn't
>>> work for me.
>>> jwe
>> I agree it is compatible behavior. Unfortunately for me, my gnuplot doesn't 
>> handle the symbol font correctly.
>> I also agree it is not a good solution. Do you suggest we deviate from 
>> Matlab's approach? ... perhaps we should add an "interpreter" property to 
>> the axes? (that it is missing in Matlab is a long frustration for me).
>I can't test this at the moment, but is it really the compatible 
>behavior? The "Right (TM)" way to do this would be to replace 
>[x|y|z]ticklabel with a text object in the same manner as [x|y|z]label 
>of the axes are. However, that certainly isn't compatible.
>I also don't think its a good idea to include a an interpreter property 
>in the axes object itself..
>Maybe a reasonable hack would be just to assume that the interpreter 
>property for the ticks are set to "tex" and munge the text for the ticks 
>for i = 1 : numel(labels)
>  labels{i} = __tex2enhanced__ (labels{i}, "Helvetica", false, false);
>at the appropriate place in "__go_draw_axes__.m (do_tics_1)".

ok, I like that idea.

I should be able to get that done in the next few days.


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