% Function file for calculation of rate constants function[alphan,betan,alpham,betam,alphah,betah] = ratcon2oct(V); % function to generate values of alphan, betan, alpham, betam, alphah, betah % calling sequence: % [ alphan,betan,alpham,betam, alphah,betah] = ratcon2oct(V); % Define variable % V - membrane potential across dendrite % alphan - rate constant for K gating activation % betan - rate constant for K gating activation % alpham - rate constant for Na gating activation % betam - rate constant for Na gating activation % alphah - rate constant for Na gating inactivation % betah - rate constant for Na gating inactivation % Date Programmer Description of change % May 27, 08 Asha G original code alphan = (0.159.* ( V+53.7))./ ( 1- exp(-0.2.*(V+53.7))); betan = 2.48.*exp(-0.025.*(V+55.2)); alpham = (0.32.* (V+49.3))./(1-exp(-0.25.*(V+49.3))); betam = (0.28.*(V+22.3))./(exp(0.2.*(V+22.3))-1); alphah = 0.128.* exp(-(V+45.4)./18); betah = 4./(exp(-0.2.*(V+22.4))+1); end % ratcon2oct