## Copyright (C) 2005, 2007 John W. Eaton ## ## This file is part of Octave. ## ## Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at ## your option) any later version. ## ## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see ## . ## Undocumented internal function. ## Author: jwe function __go_draw_axes__ (h, plot_stream, enhanced, mono) if (nargin == 4) axis_obj = get (h); parent_figure_obj = get (axis_obj.parent); persistent have_newer_gnuplot ... = compare_versions (__gnuplot_version__ (), "4.0", ">"); ## Set axis properties here? pos = [0, 0, 1, 1]; if (strcmp (axis_obj.activepositionproperty, "outerposition")) ymirror = true; if (! isempty (axis_obj.outerposition)) pos = axis_obj.outerposition; endif else ymirror = false; if (! isempty (axis_obj.position)) pos = axis_obj.position; fprintf (plot_stream, "set tmargin 0;\n"); fprintf (plot_stream, "set bmargin 0;\n"); fprintf (plot_stream, "set lmargin 0;\n"); fprintf (plot_stream, "set rmargin 0;\n"); endif endif if (! strcmp (axis_obj.__colorbar__, "none")) [pos, cbox_orient, cbox_size, cbox_origin, cbox_mirror] = ... gnuplot_postion_colorbox (pos, axis_obj.__colorbar__); endif fprintf (plot_stream, "set origin %.15g, %.15g;\n", pos(1), pos(2)); fprintf (plot_stream, "set size %.15g, %.15g;\n", pos(3), pos(4)); if (strcmpi (axis_obj.dataaspectratiomode, "manual")) r = axis_obj.dataaspectratio; fprintf (plot_stream, "set size ratio %.15g;\n", -r(2)/r(1)); else fputs (plot_stream, "set size noratio;\n"); endif fputs (plot_stream, "set pm3d explicit;\n"); fputs (plot_stream, "unset label;\n"); if (! isempty (axis_obj.title)) t = get (axis_obj.title); if (isempty (t.string)) fputs (plot_stream, "unset title;\n"); else [tt, f, s] = __maybe_munge_text__ (enhanced, t, "string", have_newer_gnuplot); if (strcmp (f, "*")) fontspec = ""; else fontspec = sprintf ("font \"%s,%d\"", f, s); endif fprintf (plot_stream, "set title \"%s\" %s;\n", undo_string_escapes (tt), fontspec); endif endif if (! isempty (axis_obj.xlabel)) t = get (axis_obj.xlabel); angle = t.rotation; colorspec = get_text_colorspec (axis_obj.xcolor, mono); if (isempty (t.string)) fprintf (plot_stream, "unset xlabel;\n"); fprintf (plot_stream, "unset x2label;\n"); else [tt, f, s] = __maybe_munge_text__ (enhanced, t, "string", have_newer_gnuplot); if (strcmp (f, "*")) fontspec = ""; else fontspec = sprintf ("font \"%s,%d\"", f, s); endif if (strcmpi (axis_obj.xaxislocation, "top")) fprintf (plot_stream, "set x2label \"%s\" %s %s", undo_string_escapes (tt), colorspec, fontspec); else fprintf (plot_stream, "set xlabel \"%s\" %s %s", undo_string_escapes (tt), colorspec, fontspec); endif if (have_newer_gnuplot) ## Rotation of xlabel not yet support by gnuplot as of 4.2, but ## there is no message about it. fprintf (plot_stream, " rotate by %f", angle); endif fputs (plot_stream, ";\n"); if (strcmpi (axis_obj.xaxislocation, "top")) fprintf (plot_stream, "unset xlabel;\n"); else fprintf (plot_stream, "unset x2label;\n"); endif endif endif if (! isempty (axis_obj.ylabel)) t = get (axis_obj.ylabel); angle = t.rotation; colorspec = get_text_colorspec (axis_obj.ycolor, mono); if (isempty (t.string)) fprintf (plot_stream, "unset ylabel;\n"); fprintf (plot_stream, "unset y2label;\n"); else [tt, f, s] = __maybe_munge_text__ (enhanced, t, "string", have_newer_gnuplot); if (strcmp (f, "*")) fontspec = ""; else fontspec = sprintf ("font \"%s,%d\"", f, s); endif if (strcmpi (axis_obj.yaxislocation, "right")) fprintf (plot_stream, "set y2label \"%s\" %s %s", undo_string_escapes (tt), colorspec, fontspec); else fprintf (plot_stream, "set ylabel \"%s\" %s %s", undo_string_escapes (tt), colorspec, fontspec); endif if (have_newer_gnuplot) fprintf (plot_stream, " rotate by %f;\n", angle); endif fputs (plot_stream, ";\n"); if (strcmpi (axis_obj.yaxislocation, "right")) fprintf (plot_stream, "unset ylabel;\n"); else fprintf (plot_stream, "unset y2label;\n"); endif endif endif if (! isempty (axis_obj.zlabel)) t = get (axis_obj.zlabel); angle = t.rotation; colorspec = get_text_colorspec (axis_obj.zcolor, mono); if (isempty (t.string)) fputs (plot_stream, "unset zlabel;\n"); else [tt, f, s] = __maybe_munge_text__ (enhanced, t, "string", have_newer_gnuplot); if (strcmp (f, "*")) fontspec = ""; else fontspec = sprintf ("font \"%s,%d\"", f, s); endif fprintf (plot_stream, "set zlabel \"%s\" %s %s", undo_string_escapes (tt), colorspec, fontspec); if (have_newer_gnuplot) ## Rotation of zlabel not yet support by gnuplot as of 4.2, but ## there is no message about it. fprintf (plot_stream, " rotate by %f;\n", angle); endif fputs (plot_stream, ";\n"); endif endif if (strcmpi (axis_obj.xaxislocation, "top")) xaxisloc = "x2"; xaxisloc_using = "x2"; else xaxisloc = "x"; xaxisloc_using = "x1"; if (strcmpi (axis_obj.xaxislocation, "zero")) fputs (plot_stream, "set xzeroaxis;\n"); endif endif if (strcmpi (axis_obj.yaxislocation, "right")) yaxisloc = "y2"; yaxisloc_using = "y2"; else yaxisloc = "y"; yaxisloc_using = "y1"; if (strcmpi (axis_obj.yaxislocation, "zero")) fputs (plot_stream, "set yzeroaxis;\n"); endif endif have_grid = false; if (strcmpi (axis_obj.xgrid, "on")) have_grid = true; fprintf (plot_stream, "set grid %stics;\n", xaxisloc); else fprintf (plot_stream, "set grid no%stics;\n", xaxisloc); endif if (strcmpi (axis_obj.ygrid, "on")) have_grid = true; fprintf (plot_stream, "set grid %stics;\n", yaxisloc); else fprintf (plot_stream, "set grid no%stics;\n", yaxisloc); endif if (strcmpi (axis_obj.zgrid, "on")) have_grid = true; fputs (plot_stream, "set grid ztics;\n"); else fputs (plot_stream, "set grid noztics;\n"); endif if (strcmpi (axis_obj.xminorgrid, "on")) have_grid = true; fprintf (plot_stream, "set m%stics 5;\n", xaxisloc); fprintf (plot_stream, "set grid m%stics;\n", xaxisloc); else fprintf (plot_stream, "set grid nom%stics;\n", xaxisloc); endif if (strcmpi (axis_obj.yminorgrid, "on")) have_grid = true; fprintf (plot_stream, "set m%stics 5;\n", yaxisloc); fprintf (plot_stream, "set grid m%stics;\n", yaxisloc); else fprintf (plot_stream, "set grid nom%stics;\n", yaxisloc); endif if (strcmpi (axis_obj.zminorgrid, "on")) have_grid = true; fputs (plot_stream, "set mztics 5;\n"); fputs (plot_stream, "set grid mztics;\n"); else fputs (plot_stream, "set grid nomztics;\n"); endif ## The grid front/back/layerdefault option also controls the ## appearance of tics, so it is used even if the grid is absent. if (strcmpi (axis_obj.layer, "top")) fputs (plot_stream, "set grid front;\n"); else fputs (plot_stream, "set grid layerdefault;\n"); endif if (! have_grid) fputs (plot_stream, "unset grid;\n"); endif do_tics (axis_obj, plot_stream, ymirror, mono); xlogscale = strcmpi (axis_obj.xscale, "log"); if (xlogscale) fprintf (plot_stream, "set logscale %s;\n", xaxisloc); else fprintf (plot_stream, "unset logscale %s;\n", xaxisloc); endif ylogscale = strcmpi (axis_obj.yscale, "log"); if (ylogscale) fprintf (plot_stream, "set logscale %s;\n", yaxisloc); else fprintf (plot_stream, "unset logscale %s;\n", yaxisloc); endif zlogscale = strcmpi (axis_obj.zscale, "log"); if (zlogscale) fputs (plot_stream, "set logscale z;\n"); else fputs (plot_stream, "unset logscale z;\n"); endif xautoscale = strcmpi (axis_obj.xlimmode, "auto"); yautoscale = strcmpi (axis_obj.ylimmode, "auto"); zautoscale = strcmpi (axis_obj.zlimmode, "auto"); cautoscale = strcmpi (axis_obj.climmode, "auto"); kids = axis_obj.children; nd = __calc_dimensions__ (axis_obj); if (nd == 3) fputs (plot_stream, "set parametric;\n"); fputs (plot_stream, "set style data lines;\n"); fputs (plot_stream, "set surface;\n"); fputs (plot_stream, "unset contour;\n"); endif data_idx = 0; data = cell (); is_image_data = []; hidden_removal = NaN; view_map = false; xlim = axis_obj.xlim; ylim = axis_obj.ylim; zlim = axis_obj.zlim; clim = axis_obj.clim; if (! cautoscale && clim(1) == clim(2)) clim(2)++; endif [view_cmd, view_fcn, view_zoom] = image_viewer (); use_gnuplot_for_images = (ischar (view_fcn) && strcmp (view_fcn, "gnuplot_internal")); ximg_data = {}; ximg_data_idx = 0; for i = 1:length (kids) obj = get (kids(i)); switch (obj.type) case "image" img_data = obj.cdata; img_xdata = obj.xdata; img_ydata = obj.ydata; if (use_gnuplot_for_images) fputs (plot_stream, "set border front;\n"); data_idx++; is_image_data(data_idx) = true; parametric(data_idx) = false; have_cdata(data_idx) = false; [y_dim, x_dim] = size (img_data(:,:,1)); if (x_dim > 1) dx = abs (img_xdata(2)-img_xdata(1))/(x_dim-1); else dx = 1; endif if (y_dim > 1) dy = abs (img_ydata(2)-img_ydata(1))/(y_dim-1); else dy = 1; endif x_origin = min (img_xdata); y_origin = min (img_ydata); if (ndims (img_data) == 3) data{data_idx} = permute (img_data, [3, 1, 2])(:); format = "1:2:3"; imagetype = "rgbimage"; else data{data_idx} = img_data(:); format = "1"; imagetype = "image"; endif titlespec{data_idx} = "title \"\""; usingclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("binary array=%dx%d scan=yx origin=(%.15g,%.15g) dx=%.15g dy=%.15g using %s", x_dim, y_dim, x_origin, y_origin, dx, dy, format); withclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("with %s", imagetype); else ximg_data{++ximg_data_idx} = img_data; endif case "line" if (strncmp (obj.linestyle, "none", 4) && (! isfield (obj, "marker") || (isfield (obj, "marker") && strncmp (obj.marker, "none", 4)))) continue; endif data_idx++; is_image_data(data_idx) = false; parametric(data_idx) = true; have_cdata(data_idx) = false; if (isempty (obj.keylabel)) titlespec{data_idx} = "title \"\""; else tmp = undo_string_escapes (__maybe_munge_text__ (enhanced, obj, "keylabel", have_newer_gnuplot)); titlespec{data_idx} = strcat ("title \"", tmp, "\""); endif [style, typ, with] = do_linestyle_command (obj, data_idx, mono, plot_stream); usingclause{data_idx} = ""; if (have_newer_gnuplot || isnan (typ)) withclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("with %s linestyle %d", style, data_idx); else withclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("with %s linetype %d", style, typ); endif if (nd == 3) xdat = obj.xdata(:); ydat = obj.ydata(:); if (! isempty (obj.zdata)) zdat = obj.zdata(:); else zdat = zeros (size (xdat)); endif data{data_idx} = [xdat, ydat, zdat]'; usingclause{data_idx} = "using ($1):($2):($3)"; ## fputs (plot_stream, "set parametric;\n"); else xdat = obj.xdata(:); ydat = obj.ydata(:); ldat = obj.ldata; yerr = xerr = false; if (! isempty (ldat)) yerr = true; ldat = ldat(:); endif udat = obj.udata; if (! isempty (udat)) udat = udat(:); endif xldat = obj.xldata; if (! isempty (xldat)) xerr = true; xldat = xldat(:); endif xudat = obj.xudata; if (! isempty (xudat)) xudat = xudat(:); endif if (yerr) if (isempty (ldat)) ylo = ydat; else ylo = ydat-ldat; endif if (isempty (udat)) yhi = ydat; else yhi = ydat+udat; endif if (xerr) if (isempty (xldat)) xlo = xdat; else xlo = xdat-xldat; endif if (isempty (xudat)) xhi = xdat; else xhi = xdat+xudat; endif data{data_idx} = [xdat, ydat, xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi]'; usingclause{data_idx} = "using ($1):($2):($3):($4):($5):($6)"; withclause{data_idx} = "with xyerrorbars"; else data{data_idx} = [xdat, ydat, ylo, yhi]'; usingclause{data_idx} = "using ($1):($2):($3):($4)"; withclause{data_idx} = "with yerrorbars"; endif elseif (xerr) if (isempty (xldat)) xlo = xdat; else xlo = xdat-xldat; endif if (isempty (xudat)) xhi = xdat; else xhi = xdat+xudat; endif data{data_idx} = [xdat, ydat, xlo, xhi]'; usingclause{data_idx} = "using ($1):($2):($3):($4)"; withclause{data_idx} = "with xerrorbars"; else data{data_idx} = [xdat, ydat]'; usingclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("using ($1):($2) axes %s%s", xaxisloc_using, yaxisloc_using); endif endif if (! (have_newer_gnuplot || isempty (with))) if (isempty (withclause{data_idx})) withclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("with %s", with); else withclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("%s %s", withclause{data_idx}, with); endif endif case "patch" cmap = parent_figure_obj.colormap; [nr, nc] = size (obj.xdata); if (! isempty (obj.cdata)) cdat = obj.cdata; else cdat = []; endif for i = 1:nc xcol = obj.xdata(:,i); ycol = obj.ydata(:,i); if (nd == 3) if (! isempty (obj.zdata)) zcol = obj.zdata(:,i); else zcol = zeros (size (xcol)); endif endif if (! isnan (xcol) && ! isnan (ycol)) ## Is the patch closed or not if (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "none", 4)) hidden_removal = false; else if (isnan (hidden_removal)) hidden_removal = true; endif if (nd == 3) error ("gnuplot (as of v4.2) only supports 2D filled patches"); endif data_idx++; is_image_data(data_idx) = false; parametric(data_idx) = false; have_cdata(data_idx) = false; if (i > 1 || isempty (obj.keylabel)) titlespec{data_idx} = "title \"\""; else tmp = undo_string_escapes (__maybe_munge_text__ (enhanced, obj, "keylabel", have_newer_gnuplot)); titlespec{data_idx} = strcat ("title \"", tmp, "\""); endif usingclause{data_idx} = ""; if (isfield (obj, "facecolor")) if ((strncmp (obj.facecolor, "flat", 4) || strncmp (obj.facecolor, "interp", 6)) && isfield (obj, "cdata")) if (ndims (obj.cdata) == 2 && (size (obj.cdata, 2) == nc && (size (obj.cdata, 1) == 1 || size (obj.cdata, 1) == 3))) ccol = cdat (:, i); elseif (ndims (obj.cdata) == 2 && (size (obj.cdata, 1) == nc && (size (obj.cdata, 2) == 1 || size (obj.cdata, 2) == 3))) ccol = cdat (i, :); elseif (ndims (obj.cdata) == 3) ccol = permute (cdat (:, i, :), [1, 3, 2]); else ccol = cdat; endif if (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "flat", 4)) if (numel(ccol) == 3) color = ccol; else r = 1 + round ((size (cmap, 1) - 1) * (ccol - clim(1))/(clim(2) - clim(1))); r = max (1, min (r, size (cmap, 1))); color = cmap(r, :); endif elseif (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "interp", 6)) warning ("\"interp\" not supported, using 1st entry of cdata") r = 1 + round ((size (cmap, 1) - 1) * ccol(1)); r = max (1, min (r, size (cmap, 1))); color = cmap(r,:); endif elseif (isnumeric (obj.facecolor)) color = obj.facecolor; else color = [0, 1, 0]; endif else color = [0, 1, 0]; endif if (have_newer_gnuplot) if (mono) colorspec = ""; else colorspec = sprintf ("lc rgb \"#%02x%02x%02x\"", round (255*color)); endif withclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("with filledcurve %s", colorspec); else if (isequal (color, [0,0,0])) typ = -1; elseif (isequal (color, [1,0,0])) typ = 1; elseif (isequal (color, [0,1,0])) typ = 2; elseif (isequal (color, [0,0,1])) typ = 3; elseif (isequal (color, [1,0,1])) typ = 4; elseif (isequal (color, [0,1,1])) typ = 5; elseif (isequal (color, [1,1,1])) typ = -1; elseif (isequal (color, [1,1,0])) typ = 7; else typ = -1; endif withclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("with filledcurve lt %d", typ); endif data{data_idx} = [xcol, ycol]'; usingclause{data_idx} = "using ($1):($2)"; endif endif ## patch outline if (! strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "none", 4)) data_idx++; is_image_data(data_idx) = false; parametric(data_idx) = false; have_cdata(data_idx) = false; titlespec{data_idx} = "title \"\""; usingclause{data_idx} = ""; if (isfield (obj, "markersize")) mdat = obj.markersize; endif if (isfield (obj, "edgecolor")) if ((strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "flat", 4) || strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "interp", 6)) && isfield (obj, "cdata")) if (ndims (obj.cdata) == 2 && (size (obj.cdata, 2) == nc && (size (obj.cdata, 1) == 1 || size (obj.cdata, 1) == 3))) ccol = cdat (:, i); elseif (ndims (obj.cdata) == 2 && (size (obj.cdata, 1) == nc && (size (obj.cdata, 2) == 1 || size (obj.cdata, 2) == 3))) ccol = cdat (i, :); elseif (ndims (obj.cdata) == 3) ccol = permute (cdat (:, i, :), [1, 3, 2]); else ccol = cdat; endif if (strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "flat", 4)) if (numel(ccol) == 3) color = ccol; else r = 1 + round ((size (cmap, 1) - 1) * (ccol - clim(1))/(clim(2) - clim(1))); r = max (1, min (r, size (cmap, 1))); color = cmap(r, :); endif elseif (strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "interp", 6)) warning ("\"interp\" not supported, using 1st entry of cdata") r = 1 + round ((size (cmap, 1) - 1) * ccol(1)); r = max (1, min (r, size (cmap, 1))); color = cmap(r,:); endif elseif (isnumeric (obj.edgecolor)) color = obj.edgecolor; else color = [0, 0, 0]; endif else color = [0, 0, 0]; endif if (isfield (obj, "linestyle")) switch (obj.linestyle) case "-" lt = "lt 1"; case "--" lt = "lt 2"; case ":" lt = "lt 3"; case "-." lt = "lt 6"; case "none" lt = ""; otherwise lt = ""; endswitch else lt = ""; endif if (isfield (obj, "marker")) if (isfield (obj, "marker")) switch (obj.marker) case "+" pt = "pt 1"; case "o" pt = "pt 6"; case "*" pt = "pt 3"; case "." pt = "pt 0"; case "x" pt = "pt 2"; case {"square", "s"} pt = "pt 5"; case {"diamond", "d"} pt = "pt 13"; case "^" pt = "pt 9"; case "v" pt = "pt 11"; case ">" pt = "pt 8"; case "<" pt = "pt 10"; case {"pentagram", "p"} pt = "pt 4"; case {"hexagram", "h"} pt = "pt 12"; case "none" pt = ""; otherwise pt = ""; endswitch endif else pt = ""; endif style = "lines"; if (isempty (lt)) if (! isempty (pt)) style = "points"; endif elseif (! isempty (pt)) style = "linespoints"; endif if (isfield (obj, "markersize")) if (length (mdat) == nc) m = mdat(i); else m = mdat; endif if (! strcmpi (style, "lines")) if (have_newer_gnuplot) ps = sprintf("pointsize %f", m); else ps = sprintf("ps %f", m); endif else ps = ""; endif else ps = ""; endif if (have_newer_gnuplot) if (mono) colorspec = ""; else colorspec = sprintf ("lc rgb \"#%02x%02x%02x\"", round (255*color)); endif withclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("with %s %s %s %s %s", style, pt, lt, ps, colorspec); else if (isequal (color, [0,0,0])) typ = -1; elseif (isequal (color, [1,0,0])) typ = 1; elseif (isequal (color, [0,1,0])) typ = 2; elseif (isequal (color, [0,0,1])) typ = 3; elseif (isequal (color, [1,0,1])) typ = 4; elseif (isequal (color, [0,1,1])) typ = 5; elseif (isequal (color, [1,1,1])) typ = -1; elseif (isequal (color, [1,1,0])) typ = 7; else typ = -1; endif withclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("with %s %s %s lt %d", style, pt, ps, typ); endif if (nd == 3) if (! isnan (xcol) && ! isnan (ycol) && ! isnan (zcol)) data{data_idx} = [[xcol; xcol(1)], [ycol; ycol(1)], ... [zcol; zcol(1)]]'; else data{data_idx} = [xcol, ycol, zcol]'; endif usingclause{data_idx} = "using ($1):($2):($3)"; else if (! isnan (xcol) && ! isnan (ycol)) data{data_idx} = [[xcol; xcol(1)], [ycol; ycol(1)]]'; else data{data_idx} = [xcol, ycol]'; endif usingclause{data_idx} = "using ($1):($2)"; endif endif endfor case "surface" view_map = true; if (! (strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "none", 4) && strncmp (obj.facecolor, "none", 4))) data_idx++; is_image_data(data_idx) = false; parametric(data_idx) = false; have_cdata(data_idx) = true; [style, typ, with] = do_linestyle_command (obj, data_idx, mono, plot_stream); if (isempty (obj.keylabel)) titlespec{data_idx} = "title \"\""; else tmp = undo_string_escapes (__maybe_munge_text__ (enhanced, obj, "keylabel", have_newer_gnuplot)); titlespec{data_idx} = strcat ("title \"", tmp, "\""); endif usingclause{data_idx} = ""; if (have_newer_gnuplot || isnan (typ)) withclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("with pm3d linestyle %d", data_idx); else withclause{data_idx} = sprintf ("with pm3d linetype %d %s", typ, with); endif xdat = obj.xdata; ydat = obj.ydata; zdat = obj.zdata; cdat = obj.cdata; err = false; if (! size_equal(zdat, cdat)) err = true; endif if (isvector (xdat) && isvector (ydat) && ismatrix (zdat)) if (rows (zdat) == length (ydat) && columns (zdat) == length (xdat)) [xdat, ydat] = meshgrid (xdat, ydat); else err = true; endif elseif (ismatrix (xdat) && ismatrix (ydat) && ismatrix (zdat)) if (! size_equal (xdat, ydat, zdat)) err = true; endif else err = true; endif if (err) error ("__go_draw_axes__: invalid grid data"); endif xlen = columns (zdat); ylen = rows (zdat); if (xlen == columns (xdat) && xlen == columns (ydat) && ylen == rows (xdat) && ylen == rows (ydat)) len = 4 * xlen; zz = zeros (ylen, len); k = 1; for kk = 1:4:len zz(:,kk) = xdat(:,k); zz(:,kk+1) = ydat(:,k); zz(:,kk+2) = zdat(:,k); zz(:,kk+3) = cdat(:,k); k++; endfor data{data_idx} = zz.'; endif usingclause{data_idx} = "using ($1):($2):($3):($4)"; ## fputs (plot_stream, "unset parametric;\n"); ## Interpolation does not work for flat surfaces (e.g. pcolor) ## and color mapping --> currently set empty. interp_str = ""; flat_interp_face = (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "flat", 4) || strncmp (obj.facecolor, "interp", 6)); flat_interp_edge = (strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "flat", 4) || strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "interp", 6)); facecolor_none_or_white = (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "none", 4) || (isnumeric (obj.facecolor) && all (obj.facecolor == 1))); if (strncmp (obj.facecolor, "none", 4)) hidden_removal = false; else if (isnan (hidden_removal)) hidden_removal = true; endif endif if (flat_interp_edge && facecolor_none_or_white) withclause{data_idx} = "with line palette"; endif if (have_newer_gnuplot) dord = "depthorder"; else dord = ""; endif if (flat_interp_face && strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "flat", 4)) fprintf (plot_stream, "set pm3d explicit at s %s %s corners2color c3;\n", interp_str, dord); elseif (!facecolor_none_or_white) if (strncmp (obj.edgecolor, "none", 4)) fprintf (plot_stream, "set pm3d explicit at s %s corners2color c3;\n", interp_str, dord); else edgecol = obj.edgecolor; if (ischar (obj.edgecolor)) edgecol = [0,0,0]; endif fprintf (plot_stream, "set pm3d explicit at s hidden3d %d %s %s corners2color c3;\n", data_idx, interp_str, dord); if (have_newer_gnuplot) if (mono) colorspec = ""; else colorspec = sprintf ("linecolor rgb \"#%02x%02x%02x\"", round (255*edgecol)); endif fprintf (plot_stream, "set style line %d %s lw %f;\n", data_idx, colorspec, obj.linewidth); else if (isequal (edgecol, [0,0,0])) typ = -1; elseif (isequal (edgecol, [1,0,0])) typ = 1; elseif (isequal (edgecol, [0,1,0])) typ = 2; elseif (isequal (edgecol, [0,0,1])) typ = 3; elseif (isequal (edgecol, [1,0,1])) typ = 4; elseif (isequal (edgecol, [0,1,1])) typ = 5; elseif (isequal (edgecol, [1,1,1])) typ = -1; elseif (isequal (edgecol, [1,1,0])) typ = 7; else typ = -1; endif fprintf (plot_stream, "set style line %d lt %d lw %f;\n", data_idx, typ, obj.linewidth); endif endif endif endif case "text" [label, f, s] = __maybe_munge_text__ (enhanced, obj, "string", have_newer_gnuplot); if (strcmp (f, "*")) fontspec = ""; else fontspec = sprintf ("font \"%s,%d\"", f, s); endif lpos = obj.position; halign = obj.horizontalalignment; angle = obj.rotation; units = obj.units; color = obj.color; if (strcmpi (units, "normalized")) units = "graph"; else units = ""; endif if (isnumeric (color)) colorspec = get_text_colorspec (color, mono); endif if (nd == 3) fprintf (plot_stream, "set label \"%s\" at %s %.15g,%.15g,%.15g %s rotate by %f %s front %s;\n", undo_string_escapes (label), units, lpos(1), lpos(2), lpos(3), halign, angle, fontspec, colorspec); else fprintf (plot_stream, "set label \"%s\" at %s %.15g,%.15g %s rotate by %f %s front %s;\n", undo_string_escapes (label), units, lpos(1), lpos(2), halign, angle, fontspec, colorspec); endif otherwise error ("__go_draw_axes__: unknown object class, %s", obj.type); endswitch endfor if (isnan(hidden_removal) || hidden_removal) fputs (plot_stream, "set hidden3d;\n"); else fputs (plot_stream, "unset hidden3d;\n"); endif have_data = (! (isempty (data) || any (cellfun (@isempty, data)))); if (isempty (xlim)) return; endif if (strcmpi (axis_obj.xdir, "reverse")) xdir = "reverse"; else xdir = "noreverse"; endif fprintf (plot_stream, "set %srange [%.15e:%.15e] %s;\n", xaxisloc, xlim, xdir); if (isempty (ylim)) return; endif if (strcmpi (axis_obj.ydir, "reverse")) ydir = "reverse"; else ydir = "noreverse"; endif fprintf (plot_stream, "set %srange [%.15e:%.15e] %s;\n", yaxisloc, ylim, ydir); if (nd == 3) if (isempty (zlim)) return; endif if (strcmpi (axis_obj.zdir, "reverse")) zdir = "reverse"; else zdir = "noreverse"; endif fprintf (plot_stream, "set zrange [%.15e:%.15e] %s;\n", zlim, zdir); endif if (! any (isinf (clim))) fprintf (plot_stream, "set cbrange [%g:%g];\n", clim); endif if (strcmpi (axis_obj.box, "on")) if (nd == 3) fputs (plot_stream, "set border 4095;\n"); else fputs (plot_stream, "set border 431;\n"); endif else if (nd == 3) fputs (plot_stream, "set border 895;\n"); else if (strcmpi (axis_obj.yaxislocation, "right")) fputs (plot_stream, "unset ytics; set y2tics nomirror\n"); if (strcmpi (axis_obj.xaxislocation, "top")) fputs (plot_stream, "unset xtics; set x2tics nomirror\n"); fputs (plot_stream, "set border 12;\n"); else fputs (plot_stream, "unset x2tics; set xtics nomirror\n"); fputs (plot_stream, "set border 9;\n"); endif else fputs (plot_stream, "unset y2tics; set ytics nomirror\n"); if (strcmpi (axis_obj.xaxislocation, "top")) fputs (plot_stream, "unset xtics; set x2tics nomirror\n"); fputs (plot_stream, "set border 6;\n"); else fputs (plot_stream, "unset x2tics; set xtics nomirror\n"); fputs (plot_stream, "set border 3;\n"); endif endif endif endif if (strcmpi (axis_obj.visible, "off")) fputs (plot_stream, "unset border; unset tics\n"); endif if (strcmpi (axis_obj.key, "on")) if (strcmpi (axis_obj.keybox, "on")) box = "box"; else box = "nobox"; endif inout = "inside"; keypos = axis_obj.keypos; if (ischar (keypos)) keypos = lower (keypos); keyout = findstr (keypos, "outside"); if (! isempty (keyout)) inout = "outside"; keypos = keypos(1:keyout-1); endif endif switch (keypos) case -1 pos = "right top"; inout = "outside"; case 1 pos = "right top"; case 2 pos = "left top"; case 3 pos = "left bottom"; case {4, 0} pos = "right bottom"; case "north" pos = "center top"; case "south" pos = "center bottom"; case "east" pos = "right center"; case "west" pos = "left center"; case "northeast" pos = "right top"; case "northwest" pos = "left top"; case "southeast" pos = "right bottom"; case "southwest" pos = "left bottom"; case "best" pos = ""; warning ("legend: 'Best' not yet implemented for location specifier.\n"); ## least conflict with data in plot ## least unused space outside plot otherwise pos = ""; endswitch if (! have_newer_gnuplot) inout = ""; endif fprintf (plot_stream, "set key %s %s %s;\n", inout, pos, box); else fputs (plot_stream, "unset key;\n"); endif fputs (plot_stream, "set style data lines;\n"); if (! use_gnuplot_for_images) for i = 1:ximg_data_idx view_fcn (xlim, ylim, ximg_data{i}, view_zoom, view_cmd); endfor endif cmap = parent_figure_obj.colormap; cmap_sz = rows(cmap); if (length(cmap) > 0) if (have_newer_gnuplot) fprintf (plot_stream, "set palette positive color model RGB maxcolors %i;\n", cmap_sz); fprintf (plot_stream, "set palette file \"-\" binary record=%d using 1:2:3:4;\n", cmap_sz); fwrite (plot_stream, [1:cmap_sz; cmap.'], "float32"); else fputs (plot_stream, "set palette defined ("); for i = 1: cmap_sz col = floor(cmap(i, :) * 255); if (i == 1) fputs (plot_stream, sprintf("%d \"#%02X%02X%02X\"", i - 1, col(1), col(2), col(3))); else fputs (plot_stream, sprintf(", %d \"#%02X%02X%02X\"", i - 1, col(1), col(2), col(3))); endif endfor fputs (plot_stream, ");\n"); endif endif if (strcmp (axis_obj.__colorbar__, "none")) fputs (plot_stream, "unset colorbox;\n"); else ## FIXME If cbox_mirror is true we want to invert the tic labels ## but gnuplot doesn't allow that fputs (plot_stream, sprintf ("set colorbox %s user origin %f,%f size %f,%f;\n", cbox_orient, cbox_origin, cbox_size)); endif if (have_data) if (nd == 2) plot_cmd = "plot"; else plot_cmd = "splot"; rot_x = 90 - axis_obj.view(2); rot_z = axis_obj.view(1); while (rot_z < 0) rot_z += 360; endwhile fputs (plot_stream, "set ticslevel 0;\n"); if (view_map && rot_x == 0 && rot_z == 0) fputs (plot_stream, "set view map;\n"); else fprintf (plot_stream, "set view %.15g, %.15g;\n", rot_x, rot_z); endif endif fprintf (plot_stream, "%s \"-\" %s %s %s \\\n", plot_cmd, usingclause{1}, titlespec{1}, withclause{1}); for i = 2:data_idx fprintf (plot_stream, ", \"-\" %s %s %s \\\n", usingclause{i}, titlespec{i}, withclause{i}); endfor fputs (plot_stream, ";\n"); for i = 1:data_idx if (is_image_data(i)) fwrite (plot_stream, data{i}, "float32"); else __gnuplot_write_data__ (plot_stream, data{i}, nd, parametric(i), have_cdata(i)); endif endfor else fputs (plot_stream, "plot \"-\";\nInf Inf\ne\n"); endif ## Needed to allow mouse rotation with pcolor if (view_map) fputs (plot_stream, "unset view;\n"); endif fflush (plot_stream); else print_usage (); endif endfunction function [style, typ, with] = do_linestyle_command (obj, idx, mono, plot_stream) persistent have_newer_gnuplot ... = compare_versions (__gnuplot_version__ (), "4.0", ">"); if (have_newer_gnuplot) fprintf (plot_stream, "set style line %d default;\n", idx); endif fprintf (plot_stream, "set style line %d", idx); found_style = false; typ = NaN; with = ""; if (isfield (obj, "color")) color = obj.color; if (isnumeric (color)) if (have_newer_gnuplot) if (! mono) fprintf (plot_stream, " linecolor rgb \"#%02x%02x%02x\"", round (255*color)); endif else if (isequal (color, [0,0,0])) typ = -1; elseif (isequal (color, [1,0,0])) typ = 1; elseif (isequal (color, [0,1,0])) typ = 2; elseif (isequal (color, [0,0,1])) typ = 3; elseif (isequal (color, [1,0,1])) typ = 4; elseif (isequal (color, [0,1,1])) typ = 5; elseif (isequal (color, [1,1,1])) typ = 6; elseif (isequal (color, [1,1,0])) typ = 7; else typ = 2; endif endif endif found_style = true; endif if (isfield (obj, "linestyle")) switch (obj.linestyle) case "-" lt = "1"; case "--" lt = "2"; case ":" lt = "3"; case "-." lt = "6"; case "none" lt = ""; otherwise lt = ""; endswitch ## FIXME -- linetype is currently broken, since it disables the ## gnuplot default dashed and solid linestyles with the only ## benefit of being able to specify '--' and get a single sized ## dashed line of identical dash pattern for all called this way. ## All dash patterns are a subset of "with lines" and none of the ## lt specifications will correctly propagate into the x11 terminal ## or the print command. Therefore, it is currently disabled in ## order to allow print (..., "-dashed") etc. to work correctly. ## if (! isempty (lt)) ## fprintf (plot_stream, " linetype %s", lt); ## found_style = true; ## endif else lt = ""; endif if (isfield (obj, "linewidth")) if (have_newer_gnuplot) fprintf (plot_stream, " linewidth %f", obj.linewidth); else with = sprintf ("%s lw %f", with, obj.linewidth); endif found_style = true; endif if (isfield (obj, "marker")) switch (obj.marker) case "+" pt = "1"; case "o" pt = "6"; case "*" pt = "3"; case "." pt = "0"; case "x" pt = "2"; case {"square", "s"} pt = "5"; case {"diamond", "d"} pt = "13"; case "^" pt = "9"; case "v" pt = "11"; case ">" pt = "8"; case "<" pt = "10"; case {"pentagram", "p"} pt = "4"; case {"hexagram", "h"} pt = "12"; case "none" pt = ""; otherwise pt = ""; endswitch if (! isempty (pt)) if (have_newer_gnuplot) fprintf (plot_stream, " pointtype %s", pt); else with = sprintf ("%s pt %s", with, pt); endif found_style = true; endif else pt = ""; endif style = "lines"; if (isempty (lt)) if (! isempty (pt)) style = "points"; endif elseif (! isempty (pt)) style = "linespoints"; endif if (isfield (obj, "markersize")) if (have_newer_gnuplot) fprintf (plot_stream, " pointsize %f", obj.markersize); else if (! strcmpi (style, "lines")) with = sprintf ("%s ps %f", with, obj.markersize); endif endif found_style = true; endif if (have_newer_gnuplot && ! found_style) fputs (plot_stream, " default"); endif fputs (plot_stream, ";\n"); endfunction function nd = __calc_dimensions__ (obj) kids = obj.children; nd = 2; for i = 1:length (kids) obj = get (kids(i)); switch (obj.type) case {"image", "text"} ## ignore as they case {"line", "patch"} if (! isempty (obj.zdata)) nd = 3; endif case "surface" nd = 3; endswitch endfor endfunction function __gnuplot_write_data__ (plot_stream, data, nd, parametric, cdata) ## DATA is already transposed. ## FIXME -- this may need to be converted to C++ for speed. ## Convert NA elements to normal NaN values because fprintf writes ## "NA" and that confuses gnuplot. idx = find (isna (data)); if (any (idx)) data(idx) = NaN; endif if (nd == 2) nan_elts = find (sum (isnan (data))); fmt = strcat (repmat ("%.15g ", 1, rows (data)), "\n"); if (isempty (nan_elts)) fprintf (plot_stream, fmt, data); else n = columns (data); have_nans = true; num_nan_elts = numel (nan_elts); k = 1; for i = 1:n if (have_nans && i == nan_elts(k)) fputs (plot_stream, "\n"); have_nans = ++k <= num_nan_elts; else fprintf (plot_stream, fmt, data(:,i)); endif endfor endif elseif (nd == 3) ## FIXME -- handle NaNs here too? if (parametric) fprintf (plot_stream, "%.15g %.15g %.15g\n", data); else nr = rows (data); if (cdata) for j = 1:4:nr fprintf (plot_stream, "%.15g %.15g %.15g %.15g\n", data(j:j+3,:)); fputs (plot_stream, "\n"); endfor else for j = 1:3:nr fprintf (plot_stream, "%.15g %.15g %.15g\n", data(j:j+2,:)); fputs (plot_stream, "\n"); endfor endif endif endif fputs (plot_stream, "e\n"); endfunction function do_tics (obj, plot_stream, ymirror, mono) if (strcmpi (obj.xaxislocation, "top")) do_tics_1 (obj.xtickmode, obj.xtick, obj.xticklabelmode, obj.xticklabel, obj.xcolor, "x2", plot_stream, true, mono, "border"); do_tics_1 ("manual", [], obj.xticklabelmode, obj.xticklabel, obj.xcolor, "x", plot_stream, true, mono, "border"); elseif (strcmpi (obj.xaxislocation, "zero")) do_tics_1 (obj.xtickmode, obj.xtick, obj.xticklabelmode, obj.xticklabel, obj.xcolor, "x", plot_stream, true, mono, "axis"); do_tics_1 ("manual", [], obj.xticklabelmode, obj.xticklabel, obj.xcolor, "x2", plot_stream, true, mono, "axis"); else do_tics_1 (obj.xtickmode, obj.xtick, obj.xticklabelmode, obj.xticklabel, obj.xcolor, "x", plot_stream, true, mono, "border"); do_tics_1 ("manual", [], obj.xticklabelmode, obj.xticklabel, obj.xcolor, "x2", plot_stream, true, mono, "border"); endif if (strcmpi (obj.yaxislocation, "right")) do_tics_1 (obj.ytickmode, obj.ytick, obj.yticklabelmode, obj.yticklabel, obj.ycolor, "y2", plot_stream, ymirror, mono, "border"); do_tics_1 ("manual", [], obj.yticklabelmode, obj.yticklabel, obj.ycolor, "y", plot_stream, ymirror, mono, "border"); elseif (strcmpi (obj.xaxislocation, "zero")) do_tics_1 (obj.ytickmode, obj.ytick, obj.yticklabelmode, obj.yticklabel, obj.ycolor, "y", plot_stream, ymirror, mono, "axis"); do_tics_1 ("manual", [], obj.yticklabelmode, obj.yticklabel, obj.ycolor, "y2", plot_stream, ymirror, mono, "axis"); else do_tics_1 (obj.ytickmode, obj.ytick, obj.yticklabelmode, obj.yticklabel, obj.ycolor, "y", plot_stream, ymirror, mono, "border"); do_tics_1 ("manual", [], obj.yticklabelmode, obj.yticklabel, obj.ycolor, "y2", plot_stream, ymirror, mono, "border"); endif do_tics_1 (obj.ztickmode, obj.ztick, obj.zticklabelmode, obj.zticklabel, obj.zcolor, "z", plot_stream, true, mono, "border"); endfunction function do_tics_1 (ticmode, tics, labelmode, labels, color, ax, plot_stream, mirror, mono, axispos) colorspec = get_text_colorspec (color, mono); if (strcmpi (ticmode, "manual")) if (isempty (tics)) fprintf (plot_stream, "unset %stics;\n", ax); elseif (strcmpi (labelmode, "manual") && ! isempty (labels)) if (ischar (labels)) labels = cellstr (labels); endif if (iscellstr (labels)) k = 1; ntics = numel (tics); nlabels = numel (labels); fprintf (plot_stream, "set format %s \"%%s\";\n", ax); if (mirror) fprintf (plot_stream, "set %stics %s (", ax, axispos); else fprintf (plot_stream, "set %stics %s nomirror (", ax, axispos); endif labels = regexprep(labels, "%", "%%"); for i = 1:ntics fprintf (plot_stream, " \"%s\" %g", labels{k++}, tics(i)) if (i < ntics) fputs (plot_stream, ", "); endif if (k > nlabels) k = 1; endif endfor fprintf (plot_stream, ") %s;\n", colorspec); else error ("unsupported type of ticklabel"); endif else fprintf (plot_stream, "set format %s \"%%g\";\n", ax); if (mirror) fprintf (plot_stream, "set %stics %s (", ax, axispos ); else fprintf (plot_stream, "set %stics %s nomirror (", ax, axispos); endif fprintf (plot_stream, " %g,", tics(1:end-1)); fprintf (plot_stream, " %g);\n", tics(end)); endif else fprintf (plot_stream, "set format %s \"%%g\";\n", ax); if (mirror) fprintf (plot_stream, "set %stics %s %s;\n", ax, axispos, colorspec); else fprintf (plot_stream, "set %stics %s nomirror %s;\n", ax, axispos, colorspec); endif endif endfunction function colorspec = get_text_colorspec (color, mono) persistent have_newer_gnuplot ... = compare_versions (__gnuplot_version__ (), "4.0", ">"); if (have_newer_gnuplot) if (mono) colorspec = ""; else colorspec = sprintf ("textcolor rgb \"#%02x%02x%02x\"", round (255*color)); endif else if (isequal (color, [0,0,0])) typ = -1; elseif (isequal (color, [1,0,0])) typ = 1; elseif (isequal (color, [0,1,0])) typ = 2; elseif (isequal (color, [0,0,1])) typ = 3; elseif (isequal (color, [1,0,1])) typ = 4; elseif (isequal (color, [0,1,1])) typ = 5; elseif (isequal (color, [1,1,1])) typ = -1; elseif (isequal (color, [1,1,0])) typ = 7; else typ = -1; endif colorspec = sprintf ("textcolor lt %d", typ); endif endfunction function [f, s, fnt, it, bld] = get_fontname_and_size (t) if (isempty (t.fontname)) fnt = "helvetica"; else fnt = tolower (t.fontname); endif f = fnt; it = false; bld = false; if (! isempty (t.fontweight) && strcmp (tolower (t.fontweight), "bold")) if (! isempty(t.fontangle) && (strcmp (tolower (t.fontangle), "italic") || strcmp (tolower (t.fontangle), "oblique"))) f = strcat (f, "-bolditalic"); it = true; bld = true; else f = strcat (f, "-bold"); bld = true; endif elseif (! isempty(t.fontangle) && (strcmp (tolower (t.fontangle), "italic") || strcmp (tolower (t.fontangle), "oblique"))) f = strcat (f, "-italic"); it = true; endif if (isempty (t.fontsize)) s = 10; else s = t.fontsize; endif endfunction function [str, f, s] = __maybe_munge_text__ (enhanced, obj, fld, have_newer_gnuplot) persistent warned_latex = false; if (strcmp (fld, "string")) [f, s, fnt, it, bld] = get_fontname_and_size (obj); else f = "Helvectica"; s = 10; fnt = f; it = false; bld = false; endif str = getfield (obj, fld); if (enhanced) if (strcmp (obj.interpreter, "tex")) str = __tex2enhanced__ (str, fnt, it, bld); if (! have_newer_gnuplot) ## Set the font to work around gnuplot 4.0 X11 enhanced terminal bug str = strcat ('{/', f, ' ', str, ' }'); endif elseif (strcmp (obj.interpreter, "latex")) if (! warned_latex) warning ("latex text objects not supported"); warned_latex = true; endif endif endif endfunction function str = __tex2enhanced__ (str, fnt, it, bld) persistent sym = __setup_sym_table__ (); persistent flds = fieldnames (sym); [s, e, m] = regexp(str,'\\([a-zA-Z]+|0)','start','end','matches'); for i = length (s) : -1 : 1 ## special case for "\0" and replace with "{/Symbol \306}' if (strncmp (m{i}, '\0', 2)) str = strcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), '{/Symbol \306}', str(s(i) + 2:end)); else f = m{i}(2:end); if (isfield (sym, f)) g = getfield(sym, f); ## FIXME The symbol font doesn't seem to support bold or italic ##if (bld) ## if (it) ## g = regexprep (g, '/Symbol', '/Symbol-bolditalic'); ## else ## g = regexprep (g, '/Symbol', '/Symbol-bold'); ## endif ##elseif (it) ## g = regexprep (g, '/Symbol', '/Symbol-italic'); ##endif str = strcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), g, str(e(i) + 1:end)); elseif (strncmp (f, "rm", 2)) bld = false; it = false; str = strcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), '/', fnt, ' ', str(s(i) + 3:end)); elseif (strncmp (f, "it", 2) || strncmp (f, "sl", 2)) it = true; if (bld) str = strcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), '/', fnt, '-bolditalic ', str(s(i) + 3:end)); else str = strcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), '/', fnt, '-italic ', str(s(i) + 3:end)); endif elseif (strncmp (f, "bf", 2)) bld = true; if (it) str = strcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), '/', fnt, '-bolditalic ', str(2(i) + 3:end)); else str = strcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), '/', fnt, '-bold ', str(s(i) + 3:end)); endif elseif (strcmp (f, "color")) ## FIXME Ignore \color but remove trailing {} block as well d = strfind(str(e(i) + 1:end),'}'); if (isempty (d)) warning ('syntax error in \color argument'); else str = strcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), str(e(i) + d + 1:end)); endif elseif(strcmp (f, "fontname")) b1 = strfind(str(e(i) + 1:end),'{'); b2 = strfind(str(e(i) + 1:end),'}'); if (isempty(b1) || isempty(b2)) warning ('syntax error in \fontname argument'); else str = strcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), '/', str(e(i)+b1(1) + 1:e(i)+b2(1)-1), '{}', str(e(i) + b2(1) + 1:end)); endif elseif(strcmp (f, "fontsize")) b1 = strfind(str(e(i) + 1:end),'{'); b2 = strfind(str(e(i) + 1:end),'}'); if (isempty(b1) || isempty(b2)) warning ('syntax error in \fontname argument'); else str = strcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), '/=', str(e(i)+b1(1) + 1:e(i)+b2(1)-1), '{}', str(e(i) + b2(1) + 1:end)); endif else ## Last desperate attempt to treat the symbol. Look for things ## like \pix, that should be translated to the symbol Pi and x for j = 1 : length (flds) if (strncmp (flds{j}, f, length (flds{j}))) g = getfield(sym, flds{j}); ## FIXME The symbol font doesn't seem to support bold or italic ##if (bld) ## if (it) ## g = regexprep (g, '/Symbol', '/Symbol-bolditalic'); ## else ## g = regexprep (g, '/Symbol', '/Symbol-bold'); ## endif ##elseif (it) ## g = regexprep (g, '/Symbol', '/Symbol-italic'); ##endif str = strcat (str(1:s(i) - 1), g, str(s(i) + length (flds{j}) + 1:end)); break; endif endfor endif endif endfor ## Prepend @ to things things like _0^x or _{-100}^{100} for alignment ## But need to put the shorter of the two arguments first. Carful of ## nested {} and unprinted characters when defining shortest.. Don't ## have to worry about things like ^\theta as they are already converted to ## ^{/Symbol q}. ## FIXME.. This is a mess... Is it worth it just for a "@" character? [s, m] = regexp(str,'[_\^]','start','matches'); i = 1; p = 0; while (i < length (s)) if (i < length(s)) if (str(s(i) + p + 1) == "{") s1 = strfind(str(s(i) + p + 2:end),'{'); si = 1; l1 = strfind(str(s(i) + p + 1:end),'}'); li = 1; while (li <= length (l1) && si <= length (s1)) if (l1(li) < s1(si)) if (li == si) break; endif li++; else si++; endif endwhile l1 = l1 (min (length(l1), si)); if (s(i) + l1 + 1 == s(i+1)) if (str(s(i + 1) + p + 1) == "{") s2 = strfind(str(s(i + 1) + p + 2:end),'{'); si = 1; l2 = strfind(str(s(i + 1) + p + 1:end),'}'); li = 1; while (li <= length (l2) && si <= length (s2)) if (l2(li) < s2(si)) if (li == si) break; endif li++; else si++; endif endwhile l2 = l2 (min (length(l2), si)); if (length_string (str(s(i)+p+2:s(i)+p+l1-1)) <= length_string(str(s(i+1)+p+2:s(i+1)+p+l2-1))) ## shortest already first! str = strcat (str(1:s(i)+p-1), "@", str(s(i)+p:end)); else ## Have to swap sub/super-script to get shortest first str = strcat (str(1:s(i)+p-1), "@", str(s(i+1)+p:s(i+1)+p+l2), str(s(i)+p:s(i)+p+l1), str(s(i+1)+p+l2+1:end)); endif else ## Have to swap sub/super-script to get shortest first str = strcat (str(1:s(i)+p-1), "@", str(s(i+1)+p:s(i+1)+p+1), str(s(i)+p:s(i)+p+l1), str(s(i+1)+p+2:end)); endif i += 2; p ++; else i++; endif else if (s(i+1) == s(i) + 2) ## shortest already first! str = strcat (str(1:s(i)+p-1), "@", str(s(i)+p:end)); p ++; i += 2; else i ++; endif endif else i ++; endif endwhile endfunction function l = length_string (s) l = length (s) - length (strfind(s,'{')) - length (strfind(s,'}')); m = regexp (s, '/([\w\-]+|[\w\-]+=\d+)', 'matches'); if (!isempty (m)) l = l - sum (cellfun (@length, m)); endif endfunction function sym = __setup_sym_table__ () ## Setup the translation table for TeX to gnuplot enhanced mode. sym.forall = '{/Symbol \042}'; sym.exists = '{/Symbol \044}'; sym.ni = '{/Symbol \047}'; sym.cong = '{/Symbol \100}'; sym.Delta = '{/Symbol D}'; sym.Phi = '{/Symbol F}'; sym.Gamma = '/Symbol G}'; sym.vartheta = '{/Symbol J}'; sym.Lambda = '{/Symbol L}'; sym.Pi = '{/Symbol P}'; sym.Theta = '{/Symbol Q}'; sym.Sigma = '{/Symbol S}'; sym.varsigma = '{/Symbol V}'; sym.Omega = '{/Symbol O}'; sym.Xi = '{/Symbol X}'; sym.Psi = '{/Symbol Y}'; sym.perp = '{/Symbol \136}'; sym.alpha = '{/Symbol a}'; sym.beta = '{/Symbol b}'; sym.chi = '{/Symbol c}'; sym.delta = '{/Symbol d}'; sym.epsilon = '{/Symbol e}'; sym.phi = '{/Symbol f}'; sym.gamma = '/Symbol g}'; sym.eta = '{/Symbol h}'; sym.iota = '{/Symbol i}'; sym.kappa = '{/Symbol k}'; sym.lambda = '{/Symbol l}'; sym.mu = '{/Symbol m}'; sym.nu = '{/Symbol n}'; sym.o = '{/Symbol o}'; sym.pi = '{/Symbol p}'; sym.theta = '{/Symbol q}'; sym.rho = '{/Symbol r}'; sym.sigma = '{/Symbol s}'; sym.tau = '{/Symbol t}'; sym.upsilon = '{/Symbol u}'; sym.varpi = '{/Symbol v}'; sym.omega = '{/Symbol w}'; sym.xi = '{/Symbol x}'; sym.psi = '{/Symbol y}'; sym.zeta = '{/Symbol z}'; sym.sim = '{/Symbol \176}'; sym.Upsilon = '{/Symbol \241}'; sym.prime = '{/Symbol \242}'; sym.leq = '{/Symbol \243}'; sym.infty = '{/Symbol \245}'; sym.clubsuit = '{/Symbol \247}'; sym.diamondsuit = '{/Symbol \250}'; sym.heartsuit = '{/Symbol \251}'; sym.spadesuit = '{/Symbol \252}'; sym.leftrightarrow = '{/Symbol \253}'; sym.leftarrow = '{/Symbol \254}'; sym.uparrow = '{/Symbol \255}'; sym.rightarrow = '{/Symbol \256}'; sym.downarrow = '{/Symbol \257}'; sym.circ = '{/Symbol \260}'; sym.pm = '{/Symbol \261}'; sym.geq = '{/Symbol \263}'; sym.times = '{/Symbol \264}'; sym.propto = '{/Symbol \265}'; sym.partial = '{/Symbol \266}'; sym.bullet = '{/Symbol \267}'; sym.div = '{/Symbol \270}'; sym.neq = '{/Symbol \271}'; sym.equiv = '{/Symbol \272}'; sym.approx = '{/Symbol \273}'; sym.ldots = '{/Symbol \274}'; sym.mid = '{/Symbol \275}'; sym.aleph = '{/Symbol \300}'; sym.Im = '{/Symbol \301}'; sym.Re = '{/Symbol \302}'; sym.wp = '{/Symbol \303}'; sym.otimes = '{/Symbol \304}'; sym.oplus = '{/Symbol \305}'; sym.oslash = '{/Symbol \306}'; sym.cap = '{/Symbol \307}'; sym.cup = '{/Symbol \310}'; sym.supset = '{/Symbol \311}'; sym.supseteq = '{/Symbol \312}'; sym.subset = '{/Symbol \314}'; sym.subseteq = '{/Symbol \315}'; sym.in = '{/Symbol \316}'; sym.langle = '{/Symbol \320}'; sym.rangle = '{/Symbol \320}'; sym.nabla = '{/Symbol \321}'; sym.surd = '{/Symbol \326}'; sym.cdot = '{/Symbol \327}'; sym.neg = '{/Symbol \330}'; sym.wedge = '{/Symbol \331}'; sym.vee = '{/Symbol \332}'; sym.copyright = '{/Symbol \343}'; sym.rfloor = '{/Symbol \353}'; sym.lceil = '{/Symbol \351}'; sym.lfloor = '{/Symbol \373}'; sym.rceil = '{/Symbol \371}'; sym.int = '{/Symbol \362}'; endfunction function [pos, orient, sz, origin, mirr] = gnuplot_postion_colorbox (pos, cbox) ## This is an emprically derived function that if (strncmp (cbox, "north", 5) || strncmp (cbox, "south", 5)) scl = pos([2,4]); else scl = pos([1,3]); endif if (length(cbox) > 7 && strncmp (cbox(end-6:end), "outside", 7)) scl(2) -= 0.2 * scl(2); if (strncmp (cbox, "west", 4) || strncmp (cbox, "south", 5)) scl(1) += 0.2 * scl(2); endif endif switch (cbox) case "northoutside" sz = pos(3:4) - 0.08; origin = [0.05, 0.06] + [0.00, 0.88] .* sz + pos(1:2); mirr = true; orient = "horizontal"; case "north" sz = pos(3:4) - 0.16; origin = [0.09, 0.09] + [0.00, 0.94] .* sz + pos(1:2); mirr = false; orient = "horizontal"; case "southoutside" sz = pos(3:4) - 0.08; origin = [0.05, 0.06] + [0.00, 0.00] .* sz + pos(1:2); mirr = false; orient = "horizontal"; case "south" sz = pos(3:4) - 0.16; origin = [0.08, 0.09] + [0.03, 0.05] .* sz + pos(1:2); mirr = true; orient = "horizontal"; case "eastoutside" sz = pos(3:4) - 0.08; origin = [0.00, 0.06] + [0.94, 0.00] .* sz + pos(1:2); mirr = false; orient = "vertical"; case "east" sz = pos(3:4) - 0.16; origin = [0.09, 0.10] + [0.91, 0.01] .* sz + pos(1:2); mirr = true; orient = "vertical"; case "westoutside" sz = pos(3:4) - 0.08; origin = [0.00, 0.06] + [0.06, 0.00] .* sz + pos(1:2); mirr = true; orient = "vertical"; case "west" sz = pos(3:4) - 0.16; origin = [0.06, 0.09] + [0.04, 0.03] .* sz + pos(1:2); mirr = false; orient = "vertical"; endswitch if (strncmp (cbox, "north", 5) || strncmp (cbox, "south", 5)) sz = sz .* [1, 0.07]; pos([2,4]) = scl; else sz = sz .* [0.07, 1]; pos([1,3]) = scl; endif endfunction