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From: A. Scottedward Hodel
Subject: gnuplot/eps/mono
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2007 15:04:52 -0600

There's been some discussion on the list about gnuplot generating color eps/epslatex plots when mono is requested.  I used the -debug option in the print script and found that if I removed the text 
linecolor rgb "#0000ff"
from the second set style line command then I get a black-and-white plot, whereas the rgb command seems to set gnuplot back to color plotting if it's left t here.

I can't say whether that's a bug in gnuplot or not.    If routine __go_draw_axes__.m it can be informed of the "mono" option so that it can omit the linecolor command, that should fix at least this part of the problem.

octave code:
 xx = linspace(0,5,5);
octave:23> yy = sin(xx);
octave:24> plot(xx,yy);
octave:25> print -deps -mono jnk.eps -debug

set terminal postscript eps enhanced mono dashed ;
set output "jnk.eps";

set origin 0, 0;
set size 1, 1;
set size noratio;
unset label;
unset title;
unset xlabel;
unset ylabel;
unset zlabel;
set grid noxtics;
set grid noytics;
set grid noztics;
set grid nomxtics;
set grid nomytics;
set grid nomztics;
set format x "%g";
set xtics;
unset x2tics;
set format y "%g";
set ytics;
unset y2tics;
set format z "%g";
set ztics;
unset logscale x;
unset logscale y;
unset logscale z;
set style line 1 default;
set style line 1 linecolor rgb "#0000ff" linewidth 0.500000 pointsize 1.000000;
set hidden3d;
set xrange [0.000000000000000e+00:5.000000000000000e+00] noreverse;
set yrange [-1.000000000000000e+00:1.000000000000000e+00] noreverse;
set border 431;
unset key;
set style data lines;
plot "-" using ($1):($2) axes x1y1 title "" with lines linestyle 1 \
0 0
1.25 0.948984619355586
2.5 0.598472144103957
3.75 -0.571561318742344
5 -0.958924274663138

A. Scottedward Hodel, 334 844-1854, fax 334 844-1809

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