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RE: special characters in title and label

From: Schirmacher, Rolf
Subject: RE: special characters in title and label
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 20:44:53 +0100

It depends. If you want it as some printed output, simply use the
"pslatex"-style print-devices and enter latex commands inside the labels.
Then, you get some (e)ps for the graphics and some .tex file to generate the

You might automatically work on. For example, I use something like

function pdfprint(fname)
print('-depslatexstandalone', '-color', '-solid', [fname '.tex']); 
system(['epstopdf ' fname '-inc.eps']);
system(['pdflatex ' fname '.tex']);
system(['rm ' fname '-inc.eps']);
system(['rm ' fname '-inc.pdf']);
system(['rm ' fname '.tex']);
system(['rm ' fname '.aux']);
system(['rm ' fname '.log']);

to automatically generate a pdf plot by plotting it through the
epslatexstandalone device, transforming the ps file to a pdf (using
epstopdf, which is included with the miktex distribution for windows), bind
the graphics pdf and the labels together by pdflatex and finally clean up by
removing the "temporary" files. 

Please note: This is no example of fine programming, just a demonstration of
the approach. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Evan [mailto:address@hidden
> Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 7:13 PM
> To: address@hidden
> Subject: special characters in title and label
> can I use something like $\tilde{w}$ in the tile or the label 
> of a plot?
> if yes, how?
> Thanks in advance
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