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Re: testing install of suitesparse

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: testing install of suitesparse
Date: Tue, 23 Oct 2007 22:36:13 -0400

On Oct 23, 2007, at 4:29 PM, Ben Abbott wrote:

On Tuesday, October 23, 2007, at 09:20AM, "David Bateman" <address@hidden> wrote:
Ben Abbott wrote:
I've created a local Fink package on my Mac for suitesparse and have
compiled Octave, which had no problem locating it.

I'd like to test the suitesparse functionality as thoroughly as
possible. Does anyone have any scripts which might help?

Short of that, I'll write on myself.

In Octave or out of it? In Octave "make check" has some pretty extensive tests of the sparse functionality including all of suitesparse. Out of Octave, suitesparse includes "cov" make targets that use demo code and
gcov to test all of the functionality..


David, I'm running 2.9.14 (waiting for the Fink update to 2.9.15).

When I type "make check" from Octave, I get,

make checkparse error:

  syntax error

make check

I expect I've misunderstood your reply, or I need 2.9.15?


ok, hat-tip to Muthiah Annamalai pointed out my improper inference.

I've compiled a copy of Octave I obtained from cvs on the 7th of October and did the check. The only problem with sparse is below (from fntests.log).

I had two failures

scripts/time/datevec.m ................................. PASS 10/11 FAIL 1 test_sparse.m .......................................... PASS 1175/1176 FAIL 1

The 1st failure, from fntest.log ...

>>>>> processing /Users/bpabbott/src/octave/07.10.12/scripts/testfun/ test.m
  ***** xtest error("This test is known to fail")
!!!!! known failure
error: This test is known to fail
>>>>> processing /Users/bpabbott/src/octave/07.10.12/scripts/time/ calendar.m >>>>> processing /Users/bpabbott/src/octave/07.10.12/scripts/time/ datenum.m >>>>> processing /Users/bpabbott/src/octave/07.10.12/scripts/time/ datestr.m >>>>> processing /Users/bpabbott/src/octave/07.10.12/scripts/time/ datevec.m
  ***** assert(datevec("09/13"),[nowvec(1),9,13,0,0,0]);
!!!!! test failed
error: assert (datevec ("09/13"),[nowvec(1), 9, 13, 0, 0, 0]) expected
   2007      9     13      0      0      0
but got
   2000      9     13      0      0      0
values do not match
shared variables {
  nowvec =

2007.0000 10.0000 23.0000 22.0000 2.0000 26.8259


This appears to be expected. The second failure from fntest.log ...

>>>>> processing test_sparse
  ***** assert(as./bs,sparse(af./bf,true),100*eps);
!!!!! test failed
error: assert (as ./ bs,sparse (af ./ bf, true),100 * eps) expected
   Inf + Infi     2 -   1i   NaN - NaNi   NaN - NaNi
     0 +   0i   NaN - NaNi   NaN - NaNi   Inf + Infi
     0 +   0i     0 +   0i   NaN - NaNi   Inf - NaNi
but got
   NaN - NaNi     2 -   1i   NaN - NaNi   NaN - NaNi
     0 +   0i   NaN - NaNi   NaN - NaNi   NaN - NaNi
     0 +   0i     0 +   0i   NaN - NaNi   NaN - NaNi
NaNs don't match

I noticed the following message after running "make test"


  PASS   3731
  FAIL      2

There were 3 expected failures (see fntests.log for details).

So there are "3 expected failures" and I only have 2 ... I assume 1 or more of these expected failures have been corrected?

In any event, is the failure I've encountered expected?


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