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Re: Nice plots for TeX in windows environments?

From: Steve Thompson
Subject: Re: Nice plots for TeX in windows environments?
Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2007 14:35:10 -0700

Hi Rolf,

Using gnuplot scripts with the pslatex driver works wonders.
You'll have to interface with Gnuplot directly though and write
up the gnuplot scripts by hand, though.  Here's an example
script I just cut out of my work...


  set term pslatex color solid rotate 8

  set format "$%g$"
  set ticscale 0.5
  set border 31 linewidth 0.5
  set size 0.8, 1.2

  set logscale y 10
  set format y "$10^{%T}$"

  set grid
  set ylabel 'Bit error rate'
  set xlabel '[t]{Bit energy-to-noise density ratio, \
    $\mathcal E _ \text b / N _ 0$ (dB)}'

  set output "plot01.tex"

  set key spacing 1.1 width 26 box lw 0.1
  set xtic 3

  plot [6 : 25] [1e-4 : 1e-0] \
  "some_file.txt" \
    t 'Blah1' w l lt 7 lw 1, \
  "some_other_file.txt" \
    ev 3 t 'Blah2' w lp lt 3 lw 1 pt 9 ps 1, \

Calling it in LaTeX like...

  \begin {figure} [btph]
  \input {plot01}
  \caption {Blah.}
  \label {fig: plot01}
  \end {figure}

produces a paper-quality result.


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