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Re: residue() confusion
From: |
Henry F. Mollet |
Subject: |
Re: residue() confusion |
Date: |
Mon, 24 Sep 2007 19:13:13 -0700 |
User-agent: |
Microsoft-Entourage/ |
Here are my results. There are some differences compared to what you've
posted (297c331 ff) but it does not seem to be material (white space
differences and extra blank line).
[~] -bash-2.05b 505$ diff
/residue.m residue4.m
> ## added by Doug Stewart Sept 2007
> ## We now separate the real roots from the complex roots
> ## and sort the real roots
> ## and sort the complex roots by their imaginary parts
> ## and then put them back together again
> #first the real roots
> rp=p(find(imag(p)==0));
> rps=sort(rp);
> ## Now the negative complex roots
> ipn=p(find(imag(p)<0));
> [xx ii]=sort(abs(imag(ipn)));
> ipns=ipn(ii);
> ## now the positive complex roots
> ipp=p(find(imag(p)>0));
> [xx ii]=sort(imag(ipp));
> ipps=ipp(ii);
> ## now put all the complex roots together
> ips=[ipps' ipns']';
> ## and put all the roots together
> p=[rps' ips']';
> ## this has sorted the real roots and then the complex roots
> ## with the complex roots sorted by the imaginary parts in
> ## such a way that the complex conjugate pair will have the same
> ## multiplicity for each half of the pair.
< rhs (1, rhi:rhi+lp-1) = prepad (poly (cp), lp, 0, 2);
> rhs (1, rhi:rhi+lp-1) = prepad (poly (cp), lp, 0, 2);
< lhs (index, :) = prepad (polyderiv (lhs (index-1, :)), lb, 0, 2);
> lhs (index, :) = prepad (polyderiv (lhs (index-1, :)), lb, 0, 2);
[~] -bash-2.05b 506$
on 9/24/07 5:49 AM, Doug Stewart at address@hidden wrote:
> The extra e (4th return value) can be ignored and all will work the same
> as Matlab.
> I agree with you we should return the same order as matlab.
> So here is my currently final version.
> http://dougs.homeip.net/octave/residue4.m
> would someone who has the know how please do a diff against the current
> residue
> and make sure that the only difference is:
> ## added by Doug Stewart Sept 2007
> ## We now separate the real roots from the complex roots
> ## and sort the real roots
> ## and sort the complex roots by their imaginary parts
> ## and then put them back together again
> #first the real roots
> rp=p(find(imag(p)==0));
> rps=sort(rp);
> ## Now the negative complex roots
> ipn=p(find(imag(p)<0));
> [xx ii]=sort(abs(imag(ipn)));
> ipns=ipn(ii);
> ## now the positive complex roots
> ipp=p(find(imag(p)>0));
> [xx ii]=sort(imag(ipp));
> ipps=ipp(ii);
> ## now put all the complex roots together
> ips=[ipps' ipns']';
> ## and put all the roots together
> p=[rps' ips']';
> ## this has sorted the real roots and then the complex roots
> ## with the complex roots sorted by the imaginary parts in
> ## such a way that the complex conjugate pair will have the same
> ## multiplicity for each half of the pair.
> then I think this should be put into source forge.
> Can someone do this for me(us).
> Doug Stewart
> Ben Abbott wrote:
>> In the case of Matlab the syntax would be
>> [a,p,k] = residue(num,den);
>> For Matlab there is no fourth returned value. Matlab handles mutiplicity by
>> implication. When multiple roots roots occur, they follow each other
>> sequentially in the "a" and "p" vectors. Therefore, if the poles are grouped
>> according to their complex conjugate pairs, the result will not be
>> compatible with Matlab. See this
>> http://www.nabble.com/residue%28%29-confusion-tf4502015.html post for
>> Mathwork's description.
>> So the question is do we want to maintain compatibility with Matlab?
>> Doug Stewart wrote:
>>> Thanks for the reply.
>>> In fact the order that you want is there in the software but I thought
>>> it would be nice to have the complex conjugate poles pair up.
>>> To get Matlab's order just comment out the last 3 lines of code.
>>> To the List do we want Matlab's exact order?
>>> Its fine with me ether way.
>>> Ben Abbott wrote:
>>>> Doug,
>>>> Your version appears to work for the cases I've tried.
>>>> However, the order of the residues and poles are not consistent with
>>>> Matlab's
>>>> Below is produced by "help residue" at the Matlab prompt.
>>>> RESIDUE Partial-fraction expansion (residues).
>>>> [R,P,K] = RESIDUE(B,A) finds the residues, poles and direct term of
>>>> a partial fraction expansion of the ratio of two polynomials
>>>> B(s)/A(s).
>>>> If there are no multiple roots,
>>>> B(s) R(1) R(2) R(n)
>>>> ---- = -------- + -------- + ... + -------- + K(s)
>>>> A(s) s - P(1) s - P(2) s - P(n)
>>>> Vectors B and A specify the coefficients of the numerator and
>>>> denominator polynomials in descending powers of s. The residues
>>>> are returned in the column vector R, the pole locations in column
>>>> vector P, and the direct terms in row vector K. The number of
>>>> poles is n = length(A)-1 = length(R) = length(P). The direct term
>>>> coefficient vector is empty if length(B) < length(A), otherwise
>>>> length(K) = length(B)-length(A)+1.
>>>> If P(j) = ... = P(j+m-1) is a pole of multplicity m, then the
>>>> expansion includes terms of the form
>>>> R(j) R(j+1) R(j+m-1)
>>>> -------- + ------------ + ... + ------------
>>>> s - P(j) (s - P(j))^2 (s - P(j))^m
>>>> [B,A] = RESIDUE(R,P,K), with 3 input arguments and 2 output
>>>> arguments,
>>>> converts the partial fraction expansion back to the polynomials with
>>>> coefficients in B and A.
>>>> so the correct ordering (using your result) would be
>>>> a =
>>>> -0.000000000000000 - 0.092592592592593i
>>>> 0.222222222810316 + 0.000000001505971i
>>>> 0.000000000000000 + 0.092592592592593i
>>>> 0.222222222810316 - 0.000000001505971i
>>>> p =
>>>> 0.000000016264485 + 2.999999993648592i
>>>> -0.000000016264485 + 3.000000006351409i
>>>> 0.000000016264485 - 2.999999993648592i
>>>> -0.000000016264485 - 3.000000006351409i
>>>> k = []
>>>> e =
>>>> 1
>>>> 2
>>>> 1
>>>> 2
>>>> Beyond that, it also appears that the Matlab solution is numerically more
>>>> reliable.
>>> All the code that I added does not directly touch on the accuracy of the
>>> code. I only sorted the data a different way before doing the code
>>> that was written years ago.
>>> By all means if you can make the code better we will all cheer.
>>> Thanks
>>> Doug
>>>> It's late here ... tomorrow I'll look over your code to see if I can spot
>>>> anything to improve the numerical accuracy. Its not really my strong
>>>> suit,
>>>> but it wont hurt for me to look.
>>>> Doug Stewart wrote:
>>>>> Here is my results for this question
>>>>> num = [1 0 1];
>>>>> den = [1 0 18 0 81];
>>>>> [a,p,k,e] = residue(num,den)
>>>>> a =
>>>>> 1.0e+06 *
>>>>> 5.927582766769742 + 2.314767228467131i
>>>>> 5.927582730209724 - 2.314767214190160i
>>>>> -5.927582717669299 - 2.314767374340102i
>>>>> -5.927582681109279 + 2.314767360063129i
>>>>> p =
>>>>> 0.000000016264485 + 2.999999993648592i
>>>>> 0.000000016264485 - 2.999999993648592i
>>>>> -0.000000016264485 + 3.000000006351409i
>>>>> -0.000000016264485 - 3.000000006351409i
>>>>> k = []
>>>>> e =
>>>>> 1
>>>>> 1
>>>>> 1
>>>>> 1
>>>>>>> [a,p,k,e] = residue2(num,den)
>>>>> a =
>>>>> -0.000000000000000 - 0.092592592592593i
>>>>> 0.000000000000000 + 0.092592592592593i
>>>>> 0.222222222810316 + 0.000000001505971i
>>>>> 0.222222222810316 - 0.000000001505971i
>>>>> p =
>>>>> 0.000000016264485 + 2.999999993648592i
>>>>> 0.000000016264485 - 2.999999993648592i
>>>>> -0.000000016264485 + 3.000000006351409i
>>>>> -0.000000016264485 - 3.000000006351409i
>>>>> k = []
>>>>> e =
>>>>> 1
>>>>> 1
>>>>> 2
>>>>> 2
>>>>> the second one is my "fixed" code and this agrees with Matlab.
>>>>> You can get my code at:
>>>>> www.dougs.homeip.net/octave/residue2.m
>>>>> Doug
>>>>> Henry F. Mollet wrote:
>>>>>> Your concern is justified. I don't know how to do partial fractions by
>>>>>> hand
>>>>>> when there is multiplicity. Therefore I checked results by hand using s
>>>>>> =
>>>>>> linspace (-4i, 4i, 9) as a first check. It appears that Matlab results
>>>>>> are
>>>>>> correct if I take into account multiplicity of [1 2 1 2]. Octave
>>>>>> results
>>>>>> appear to be incorrect.
>>>>>> Henry
>>>>>> octave-2.9.14:29> s =
>>>>>> -0 - 4i 0 - 3i 0 - 2i 0 - 1i 0 + 0i 0 + 1i 0 + 2i 0 +
>>>>>> 3i
>>>>>> 0
>>>>>> + 4i
>>>>>> Using left hand side of equation:
>>>>>> octave-2.9.14:30> y=(s.^2 + 1)./(s.^4 + 18*s.^2 + 81)
>>>>>> y =
>>>>>> Columns 1 through 6:
>>>>>> -0.30612 + 0.00000i NaN + NaNi -0.12000 - 0.00000i
>>>>>> 0.00000
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> 0.00000i 0.01235 - 0.00000i 0.00000 - 0.00000i
>>>>>> Columns 7 through 9:
>>>>>> -0.12000 + 0.00000i NaN + NaNi -0.30612 + 0.00000i
>>>>>> Using right hand side of equation with partial fraction given by
>>>>>> Matlab:
>>>>>> octave-2.9.14:31> yMatlab= (0 - 0.0926i)./(s-3i) + (0.2222 -
>>>>>> 0.0000i)./(s-3i).^2 + (0 + 0.0926i)./(s+3i) + (0.2222 +
>>>>>> 0.0000i)./(s+3i).^2
>>>>>> yMatlab =
>>>>>> Columns 1 through 6:
>>>>>> -0.30611 + 0.00000i NaN + NaNi -0.11997 + 0.00000i
>>>>>> 0.00001
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> 0.00000i 0.01236 + 0.00000i 0.00001 + 0.00000i
>>>>>> Columns 7 through 9:
>>>>>> -0.11997 + 0.00000i NaN + NaNi -0.30611 + 0.00000i
>>>>>> Using right hand side of equation with partial fraction given by
>>>>>> Octave:
>>>>>> octave-2.9.14:32> yOctave=(-3.0108e+06 - 1.9734e+06i)./(s-3i) +
>>>>>> (3.0108e+06
>>>>>> + 1.9734e+06i)./(s-3i).^2 + (-3.0108e+06 + 1.9734e+06i)./(3+3i) +
>>>>>> (3.0108e+06 - 1.9734e+06i)./(s+3i).^2
>>>>>> yOctave =
>>>>>> Columns 1 through 5:
>>>>>> -2.9632e+06 + 2.3337e+06i NaN + NaNi -2.9095e+06 +
>>>>>> 2.1230e+06i -6.2042e+05 + 4.4801e+05i -1.8417e+05 - 1.7290e+05i
>>>>>> Columns 6 through 9:
>>>>>> -1.2708e+05 - 1.0447e+06i -1.3307e+06 - 4.0746e+06i NaN +
>>>>>> NaNi -5.2185e+06 + 1.9084e+06i
>>>>>> **********************************
>>>>>> on 9/22/07 2:14 PM, Ben Abbott at address@hidden wrote:
>>>>>>> I was more concerned about the differences in "a"
>>>>>>> I suppose I'll need to do a derivation and check the correct answer.
>>>>>>> On Sep 22, 2007, at 5:05 PM, Henry F. Mollet wrote:
>>>>>>>> The result for e should be [1 2 1 2] (multiplicity for both poles).
>>>>>>>> Note
>>>>>>>> that Matlab does not even give e. My mis-understanding of the
>>>>>>>> problem was
>>>>>>>> pointed out by Doug Stewart. Doug posted new code yesterday, which
>>>>>>>> I've
>>>>>>>> tried unsuccessfully, but I cannot be sure that I've implemented
>>>>>>>> residual.m
>>>>>>>> correctly. The corrected code still produced e = [1 1 1 1] for me.
>>>>>>>> Henry
>>>>>>>> on 9/22/07 1:31 PM, Ben Abbott at address@hidden wrote:
>>>>>>>>> As a result of reading through Hodel's
>>>>>>>>> http://www.nabble.com/bug-in-residue.m-tf4475396.html post I
>>>>>>>>> decided to
>>>>>>>>> check to see how my Octave installation and my Matlab installation
>>>>>>>>> responded
>>>>>>>>> to the example
>>>>>>>>> Using Matlab v7.3
>>>>>>>>> --------------------------
>>>>>>>>> num = [1 0 1];
>>>>>>>>> den = [1 0 18 0 81];
>>>>>>>>> [a,p,k] = residue(num,den)
>>>>>>>>> a =
>>>>>>>>> 0 - 0.0926i
>>>>>>>>> 0.2222 - 0.0000i
>>>>>>>>> 0 + 0.0926i
>>>>>>>>> 0.2222 + 0.0000i
>>>>>>>>> p =
>>>>>>>>> 0.0000 + 3.0000i
>>>>>>>>> 0.0000 + 3.0000i
>>>>>>>>> 0.0000 - 3.0000i
>>>>>>>>> 0.0000 - 3.0000i
>>>>>>>>> k =
>>>>>>>>> []
>>>>>>>>> --------------------------
>>>>>>>>> Using Octave 2.9.13 (via Fink) on Mac OSX
>>>>>>>>> --------------------------
>>>>>>>>> num = [1 0 1];
>>>>>>>>> den = [1 0 18 0 81];
>>>>>>>>> [a,p,k] = residue(num,den)
>>>>>>>>> a =
>>>>>>>>> -3.0108e+06 - 1.9734e+06i
>>>>>>>>> -3.0108e+06 + 1.9734e+06i
>>>>>>>>> 3.0108e+06 + 1.9734e+06i
>>>>>>>>> 3.0108e+06 - 1.9734e+06i
>>>>>>>>> p =
>>>>>>>>> -0.0000 + 3.0000i
>>>>>>>>> -0.0000 - 3.0000i
>>>>>>>>> 0.0000 + 3.0000i
>>>>>>>>> 0.0000 - 3.0000i
>>>>>>>>> k = [](0x0)
>>>>>>>>> e =
>>>>>>>>> 1
>>>>>>>>> 1
>>>>>>>>> 1
>>>>>>>>> 1
>>>>>>>>> --------------------------
>>>>>>>>> These are different from both the result that
>>>>>>>>> http://www.nabble.com/bug-in-residue.m-tf4475396.html Hodel
>>>>>>>>> obtained , as
>>>>>>>>> well as different from
>>>>>>>>> http://www.nabble.com/bug-in-residue.m-tf4475396.html Mollet's
>>>>>>>>> Thoughts anyone?
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- Re: residue() confusion, (continued)
- Re: residue() confusion, Ben Abbott, 2007/09/23
- Re: residue() confusion, Doug Stewart, 2007/09/23
- Re: residue() confusion, Ben Abbott, 2007/09/23
- Re: residue() confusion, Doug Stewart, 2007/09/24
- Re: residue() confusion, Ben Abbott, 2007/09/24
- Re: residue() confusion,
Henry F. Mollet <=
Re: residue() confusion, A. Scottedward Hodel, 2007/09/25