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From: klrup
Subject: help!
Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2007 20:40:30 -0400

Dear Octave Help Team,
                I am currently trying to analyse mortality data and was wondering whether octave was of use. I have several problems and would appreciate any help with any of the issues I have. The queries I have:

1) I want to fit a model to the mortality data: the model is of the form poly1(x)+exp{poly2(x)}, where poly1 and poly2 are polynomials of required order. The most difficult part of this is that I do not have any starting/initial values.

2) I need to test for model significance; T-test of parameters used, kolomgorov smirnov test, runs test, chi-squared test and any other tests you may think might help.

3) I need to solve any equation: sum from 0 to infinity( Poisson p.d.f)=alpha for each age, a suggested method was the secant method, however the octave code for this is something I have not encountered. Other methods of solving such equations would also be appreciated.

I would truly appreciate any help or advice with these issues.

Many thanks,

Inderpal Kalsi

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