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Re: Slowness in function 'open'

From: Michael Creel
Subject: Re: Slowness in function 'open'
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 09:50:56 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070604)

Mark B. wrote:

Is there a faster way to load a big text file composed only of integers? I
am having severe performance penalties by using the load function

These are the results of my tests:

First test:
Octave, version 2.9.12 (configured for "i686-pc-msdosmsvc")

octave.exe:1> tic; load('mybigfile'); toc;
Elapsed time is 98.314560 seconds.

Matlab (R2006b)

tic; load('mybigfile');toc;
Elapsed time is 27.923677 seconds.

Octave, version 2.1.73 (i686-pc-cygwin)

octave:1> tic; load('mybigfile');toc
ans = 1117.5

Between calls to the 'load' function I flushed the cache of the location
where the file resides

Second test:
octave.exe:2> tic; load('mybigfile'); toc;
Elapsed time is 93.594170 seconds.

tic; load('mybigfile');toc;
Elapsed time is 28.757878 seconds.

(Note: I cannot save the file in binary format because of incompatibility
with the C++ program that generates the text file)

Is this a known issue?


Just to add a data point, I can load a 191MB text file in 19 s., using Octave 2.9.12 on linux:
octave:6> tic; load a; toc
Elapsed time is 18.852654 seconds.
octave:7> ls -lh a
-rw-r--r-- 1 michael michael 191M 2007-06-22 09:43 a
I've always been anti-binary for storage of data that might be re-used sometime in the unforeseen future. But for short term data that gets thrown away after use, binary probably makes more sense.

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