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graceplot in octave 2.9.9?

From: H. Wziontek
Subject: graceplot in octave 2.9.9?
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 13:46:51 +0100 (CET)

Hello all,

I encountered the following problem with octave 2.9.9
and graceplot from octave-forge-2006.07.09:

octave:1> toggle_grace_use
error: `LOADPATH' undefined near line 48 column 24
error: evaluating argument list element number 1
error: evaluating assignment expression near line 48, column 13
error: near line 48 of file `/usr/local/share/octave/2.9.9/site/m/octave-forge/graceplot/toggle_grace_use.m'

I tried to set the LOADPATH variable manually resp. in .octaverc, but
graceplot doesn't function. How to solve this problem?

Tried to build octave-forge from CVS, but neither I understood completely
how the new packaging system works nor I was able to compile it "blind"
(the file "COPYING" must exist in every  package,  compilation errors in
  ./main/linear-algebra and ./extra/graceplot...)

Does any documentation exist about installing packages?

Does any newer version of octave-forge exist which is more compatible with
octave 2.9.9 but is not in an experimental state as the cvs seems to be at
the moment?

Many thanks in advance


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