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Re: Octave 2.9.9 Compile Problem on Linux i686

From: David Bateman
Subject: Re: Octave 2.9.9 Compile Problem on Linux i686
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 2006 23:44:26 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060921)

John W. Eaton wrote:
> On  9-Oct-2006, Alex Zvoleff wrote:
> |     After following Joe's suggestions, I have eliminated the metis error
> | (by recompiling CHOLMOD without using metis), but I still get the same
> | error message about the amd references.  I have both the CAMD and AMD
> | header files in /usr/local/include/ufsparse/ along with the rest of the
> | SuiteSparse package.  I tried "export LIBS=-lcamd" and then re-ran
> | configure, but I still get the below error when I run make.
> After running configure, you need to look in the config.log file to
> see why the camd library and/or header files are not found.
> |     I have read through the earlier messages regarding UMFPACK problems,
> | and would just like to add my support to an octave-supplied install
> | script for UMFPACK, or something similar, as it would greatly simplify
> | octave installation for those new to it.  Unfortunately, I apparently
> | lack the requisite knowledge to write such a script.
> It would be nice if the ufsparse libraries were easier to install, but
> the place for scripts to do that is the ufsparse distribution, not
> Octave, so if you are finding ufsparse difficult to install, I'd
> suggest bugging the maintainer of ufsparse.
> jwe

Or use an RPM or DEB of UFSPARSE and your problems should be solved. If
it doesn't exist for your favorite platform create it from the existing
debian and fedora packages..


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