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Re: chol problem in 2.9.5

From: Quentin Spencer
Subject: Re: chol problem in 2.9.5
Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 16:00:46 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060501)

David Bateman wrote:
Quentin Spencer wrote:
David Bateman wrote:

Dmitri A. Sergatskov wrote:
octave:1> a=randn(2)
a =

 -0.94562   1.05567
 -0.69245   1.99836

octave:2> x=a'*a
x =

  1.3737  -2.3820
 -2.3820   5.1079

octave:3> chol(x)
ans =

  1.17204  -2.03238
  0.00000   0.98860
Upper Triangular

octave:4> chol(x)
error: chol: matrix not positive definite

So after calling chol a second time on the same matrix it gives an error.
That seems breaks chol for good for remaining of the octave session:
This is the old octave-forge function being used here. You can
tell since it prints "Upper Triangular". So strictly speaking this is a
bug in octave-forge.

The fact is in the octave CVS I submitted a patch to correctly determine
is a matrix is positive definite and use the LAPACK cholesky
factorization functions. In addition to special cases for upper/lower
triangular functions using the lapack back substitution code rather than
the home rolled version in the octave-forge code, so the version in
octave's core should now be significantly better than the octave-forge

This completely removes the need for the octave-forge code, and so I
disabled it in octave-forge (though I didn't delete it is a good example
of how to write a user type). It also means I don't see much point in
tracking down this bug...
I hadn't realized there were redundant versions of chol, but I can verify that both RPMs have a version:
/home/qspencer> rpm -ql octave | grep chol.oct
/home/qspencer> rpm -ql octave-forge | grep chol.oct

So, I could fix this by just excluding chol.oct from the octave-forge RPM. Is there any downside to doing this with octave 2.9.5?

Yes there is a downside, in that the octave-forge version of chol flags
the matrix as upper triangular in a special user type and uses only
back/forward subsititution for "r = chol(A); x = r \ (r' \ b)", rather
than a full LU solve (twice). So even though the LAPACK
back-substitution code isn't used in this version it should still be
much faster for the solve than the octave 2.9.5 version. However, the
octave 2.9.5+ version should beat it, as it automatically recognizes r
as being triangular and uses LAPACK's back/forward substitution code in
the solve.

OK, well then I'll leave the RPM alone for now, since the problem had not been seen before, and it may be hardware dependent, and maybe a 2.9.6 release isn't too far away anyway :).


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