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Re: Octave for Windows package site

From: Doug Stewart
Subject: Re: Octave for Windows package site
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2006 14:18:34 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7 (Windows/20050923)

Agustin Barto wrote:

I've uploaded the newest version of the package to

Some friends of mine tested it and they think it's ready for prime-time.

I've made some last minute modifications to the package:

* Added SciTE (
* Added octave-doc (pdf docs). A lot of people asked for this.
* Removed everything from /usr/share/doc/ except for the octave and octave-forge dirs (this saved A LOT of space).
* Changed the icon to the one that's on the wiki.

Again, send me comments and suggestions.


I would like to thank you for your work.
with version octave-2.1.72-0-inst.exe
I had trouble with edit.m and notepad in windows XP.

In edit.m I had to:

1)   replace

##    system(sprintf(FUNCTION.EDITOR, ["'", path, "'"]));


   dirpos= rindex(path,'/');
   if dirpos==0
       system(sprintf(FUNCTION_EDITOR, path));
       dirpath= path(1:dirpos-1);
       fname  = path(dirpos+1:length(path));
      system(['cd "',dirpath,'";', sprintf(FUNCTION.EDITOR, fname) ]);

I got this from Andy Adler's windows edit.m

2)  also

change the "w" to "wt" in the folowing:

## Write the initial file (if there is anything to write)
 fid = fopen(path, "wt");

3) also  I hat to set

FUNCTION.HOME="C:/Program Files/GNU Octave 2.1.72/octave_files"

4) also I had to change

"AUTHOR", getpwuid(getuid).gecos,



5) also I removed the Email part as folows

 ## guess the email name if it was not given.
##  if (isempty(FUNCTION.EMAIL))
##    host=getenv("HOSTNAME");
##    if isempty(host),
##      host = system("uname -n");
##                                # trim newline from end of hostname
##      if !isempty(host) host = host(1:length(host)-1); endif
##    endif
##    if isempty(host)
##      FUNCTION.EMAIL = " ";
##    else
##      FUNCTION.EMAIL = [ "<", getpwuid(getuid).name, "@", host, ">" ];
##    endif
##  endif

and replaced it with


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