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Re: Is A\b using a sparse solver if A is sparse?

From: Dmitri A. Sergatskov
Subject: Re: Is A\b using a sparse solver if A is sparse?
Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2006 22:50:20 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.7-1.4.1 (X11/20051007)

LUK ShunTim wrote:
octave2.9:11> tic;A\r;toc
ans = 12.117
octave2.9:12> tic;fullA\r;toc
ans = 6.6568

I just like to note a couple things:

-- The result of A\r is a full matrix
this remains the case even if
 b=speye (2500,1); r=A*b;
and hence r becomes also a sparse.
I am not sure if this conversion to a full
matrix is a bug or a feature.

-- On my computer the difference is about 20%
  not a factor of 2. Do you have and use ATLAS?

octave:1> A=sprand(2500,2500,0.03);
octave:2> b=speye (2500,1);
octave:3> r=A*b;
octave:4> tic;C=A\r;toc
ans = 5.0834
octave:5> fullA=full(A);
octave:6> tic;D=fullA\r;toc
ans = 4.0818
octave:7> whos C

*** local user variables:

  Prot Name        Size                     Bytes  Class
  ==== ====        ====                     =====  =====
   rwd C        2500x1                      20000  matrix

Total is 2500 elements using 20000 bytes

octave:8> CC=sparse (C);
octave:9> whos CC

*** local user variables:

  Prot Name        Size                     Bytes  Class
  ==== ====        ====                     =====  =====
   rwd CC       2500x1                      30008  sparse matrix

Total is 2500 elements using 30008 bytes

(The sparse version is large than the full, perhaps the conversion to
full does make sense.)



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