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Re: Free Octave-Matlab book in Spanish

From: Javier Arantegui Jimenez
Subject: Re: Free Octave-Matlab book in Spanish
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 23:54:55 +0100 (CET)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.6 [CVS]-0.cvs20050812.1.fc4


On Vie, Enero 27, 2006 22:01, Jordi Gutierrez Hermoso wrote:
> This seems like a strange choice. Would there be anyone interested in
> editting these notes who wouldn't know LaTeX? LaTeX is as much of a
> lingua franca in mathematical typesetting as English is in scientific
> communications. I don't know ODT, but I can't imagine that it can
> produce output nearly as beautiful as LaTeX's.

I don't know a word of LaTeX, but I use TeXmacs (,
nice looking documents (LaTeX quality), easier to learn and you can use it
as interface for Octave  (!) or Gnuplot.

And, I use OOo sometimes.


Javier Arántegui
Dept. Tecnologia de Alimentos / Dept. of Food Technology
Universitat de Lleida / University of Lleida (Spain)

Tel. +34 973702595
Fax  +34 973702596
IM: Jabber - javier.arantegui (AT)

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