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Re: chol2inv for Octave?

From: David Bateman
Subject: Re: chol2inv for Octave?
Date: Fri, 06 May 2005 18:35:35 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20040923)

By solve I mean the function in the Matrix and ComplexMatrix classes that is behind the "\" and "/" operators. In most cases there is never any need to calculate the inverse (I can think of a few counter examples though LDPC codes come to mind), as the "\" and "/" can treat multiple RHS by taking a matrix argument for the RHS. So ask yourself if you really need inv... As a
example with the octave-fore chol function installed

octave:1> a = randn(1024,1024) + 100* eye(1024,1024); a= a+a';
octave:2> tic; x1= a \ ones(1024,1); toc
ans = 0.94385
octave:3> tic; r = chol(a); x2 = r \ (r' \ ones(1024,1)); toc
ans = 0.63005
octave:4> r = chol(a); tic; x2 = r \ (r' \ ones(1024,1)); toc
ans = 0.21868
octave:5> ainv = inv(a); tic; x1 = ainv * ones(1024,1); toc
ans = 0.015854
octave:5> norm(x2 - x1)
ans =  2.9087e-16

This shows that chol is faster than "\" directly, and that even if you wanted to use multiple RHS but not use a matrix argument, the back subsitution part is relatively fast, but not as fast as "ainv * b". This speed difference is mainly the fault of the home-grown back substitution code used by the octave-forge "chol" stuff.

You could do something like "R \ (R' \ I)" to get the inverse from the cholesky factoruzation, except that is a very inefficient means of forming the inverse of a matrix.

As for implementing different versions of inv, I hadn't intended to do that since as previously noted its more important that "\" and "/" are efficient. Although the factorization in "\" is the same as for inv, what's done with it after that isn't, so sharing the code between "\" and inv would require some reorganization.....


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