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Re: Skipping comments in load files

From: Dmitri A. Sergatskov
Subject: Re: Skipping comments in load files
Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 22:17:56 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20040913)

Joe Koski wrote:

octave:1> b = load("A1_714_raw.txt");
error: load: A1_714_raw.txt: inconsistent number of columns near line 6001
error: load: unable to extract matrix size from file `A1_714_raw.txt'
error: evaluating assignment expression near line 1, column 3

and of course, looking at the file in my editor didn't show that there was
an extra space in line 6001. When I deleted the space, the problem went
away. Apparently I had previously fixed that problem in the file where I had
stripped the header information.

I suspect that was not the blank line (or space) -- it works for me with
either of them, but some special character like ^Z or something.
It definitely breaks for me with ^Z at the end of the file.

You can check with "od" if it included with MacOS.

address@hidden octave]$ od -c b
0000000   #       t   h   i   s       i   s       s   o   m   e       c
0000140   s       h   e   r   e  \n   4       8  \n   5       1   0  \n
0000160 032  \n

032 is octal number for Ctrl-Z character.

octave:1> load b
error: load: b: inconsistent number of columns near line 6
error: load: unable to extract matrix size from file `b'

If I replace ^Z with a blank:
address@hidden octave]$ od -c b
0000000   #       t   h   i   s       i   s       s   o   m   e       c
.... <deleted> ...
0000140   s       h   e   r   e  \n   4       8  \n   5       1   0  \n
0000160      \n

It works just fine:
octave:1> load b
octave:2> b
b =

   1   2
   2   4
   3   6
   4   8
   5  10



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