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Re: viewing images

From: Miquel Cabanas
Subject: Re: viewing images
Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2004 10:44:47 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i


On Thu, Feb 26, 2004 at 03:35:41PM -0800, Al Niessner wrote:
> The behavior of imagesc() is to create a new window and put the image in
> it. What I would like to do is to use the same window to show multiple
> images where I can control the rate at which it updates -- around a
> fifth of hertz. Basically I want to view it like a movie so that I can
> see jumps and glitches between frames. Any good ideas?

imagesc() just does the scaling, then it calls image() to display
the images, which in turns calls the external program 'xv' and
alternatively 'display' from the ImageMagick package.

In case you are using the later, you could try modifying a copy of
image() so that,
1. it saves all images to be displayed into the same directory,
2. then it calls the external viewer 'display' with the option
   "-delay" that, according to the manual page, instructs the
   viewer to display several images 

   -delay <1/100ths of a second>
          display the next image after pausing

Some hints,
1. try improving the performance by allocating some cache space,
   -cache <threshold>
2. i would suggest to save all images with consecutive filenames
   (im001... im002... im003...) and then call all of them using
   wildchars, i.e. 'display -cache 10 -delay 50 test00?.jpg'
Alternatively, you could try creating a real movie file from
individual images, for instance using 'The Gimp'.


Miquel E Cabanas ------------------------------------------------------
SeRMN, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (address@hidden)

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