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Re: Axis autoscaling works but gives wrong ans?

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: Re: Axis autoscaling works but gives wrong ans?
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 18:38:37 -0600

On 23-Jan-2004, Dmitri A. Sergatskov <address@hidden> wrote:

| Henry F. Mollet wrote:
| > Axis autoscaling works but gives wrong ans?
| > Henry
| ....
| > octave:1> x=y = (0:10)';
| > octave:2> plot (x,y)        % will use default axis = autoscaling
| > octave:3> axis ([-1, 11, -1,11])
| > octave:4> replot            % will use axis ([-1, 11, -1,11])
| No. The whole idea of 'replot' is that it repeats previous plot command
| with the same axis settings etc...

No, it will simply pass a replot command to gnuplot.  So if you change
some plot settings since the last plot command then issue a replot
command, the plot should be updated.  That's what happens for me, and
is consistent with the behavior I see at the gnuplot command line for
something like

  plot sin (x)
  set xrange [-5:5]


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